Some Of Our Fans

gordondaviesmoustache said:
We've always had some choice supporters following our club. It's part of the charm of supporting City. I'm not trying to condone some of the more egregious matters referred to in this thread, especially where it affects children and young people, but people using a Wembley trip as an excuse to get hammered has been going on since well before our last League Cup win and any suggestions that our support has "changed", even based on the most outlandish things suggested in this thread, is utterly preposterous.

I've seen far, far worse in my 38 years following City than anything described in this thread. Like David Conn, some people have a perception of the past which seems to filter out most of the bad stuff.

No difference from when I first started going in the 80s. Not sure "charm" is a word I'd use, though! Lol
Gutted to hear you were attacked, especially by one of our own mate.

There's always been and always will be knobs at the match.

The thing I don't get is the cocaine. Getting chinged up to watch football? that's just bizarre.
Pablo1 said:
Zabbasbeard said:
totallywired said:
Well what sort of fanbase do people who post on here want? The traditional working class fan, who after working all week, lets there hair down at weekend, by have a load of beer and a sing song. Or the new polite fan, who whines at anybody who stands up to sing, or acts a bit daft and swears a lot. There is also the much maligned `tourist`, who armed with camera and half &half scarf, is becoming a common sight now that we are winning trophies.Each of this group have forum members foaming at the mouth for some strang reason. I love the oiks and welcome the tourist as a sign of our growing global recognition. tHE POLITE WHINER, no. Just FUCK OFF.

It's got nothing to do with working class. ost working class people behave any class.

I'm not sure what class the imbecile in 131 on our row was....but the class of his behaviour was as almost bad as it gets (he didn't hit aybody but he was abusive all afternoon). He quietened down a bit after we challenged him, but he was still a total tw@.
What row was this on? I was in 131 and thought the atmosphere was great, plenty of singing and apart from one lad who was pissed and shouting up to the Sunderland fans in CW above us I didn't see any other trouble. (I was in row 36)

gordondaviesmoustache said:
We've always had some choice supporters following our club. It's part of the charm of supporting City. I'm not trying to condone some of the more egregious matters referred to in this thread, especially where it affects children and young people, but people using a Wembley trip as an excuse to get hammered has been going on since well before our last League Cup win and any suggestions that our support has "changed", even based on the most outlandish things suggested in this thread, is utterly preposterous.

I've seen far, far worse in my 38 years following City than anything described in this thread. Like David Conn, some people have a perception of the past which seems to filter out most of the bad stuff.

Well said.
Some folk must have pretty short memories if they consider the odd bloke having a gypsies or a cheeky line to be the end of western civilisation as we know it.
Running pitched battles were common currency outside Klanfield or Bellend Road in the 70's and 80's, and I saw City fans drag a Derby County supporter out of a wheelchair to administer a kicking once.
Coaches regularly came back bereft of windows.
Casual racism was commonplace.
Nobody is condoning loons kicking off, or doing drugs in front of kids, (except those nice two legal ones alcohol and tobacco, of course), but things are generally much safer now than in the bad old days.
Zabbasbeard said:
Pablo1 said:
Zabbasbeard said:
It's got nothing to do with working class. ost working class people behave any class.

I'm not sure what class the imbecile in 131 on our row was....but the class of his behaviour was as almost bad as it gets (he didn't hit aybody but he was abusive all afternoon). He quietened down a bit after we challenged him, but he was still a total tw@.
What row was this on? I was in 131 and thought the atmosphere was great, plenty of singing and apart from one lad who was pissed and shouting up to the Sunderland fans in CW above us I didn't see any other trouble. (I was in row 36)

Fair enough, probably too far away for me to have noticed - just thought the whole buzz around 131 was great.
CTID1988 said:
It wasnt really the beer that was the issue, plenty of pissed up blues around were absolutely fine. Its the drugs. If you cant handle it then dont do it
Obviously drink can turn people Jekyll but have to agree,there's daft as a brush drunks,harmless drunks,two seconds from kipping drunks and violent drunks but cocaine and I include a couple of my friends in this,really does take some people to a whole new level of being a ten men wanker,paranoid and just itching for confrontation,monumental pains in the arse,not exclusive to football though,would be like that wherever they're at
Few Sunderland near us in 552 but taken out....felt a bit embarrassed that they were due to some knob mouthing off about them....this despite my brother and 2 mates not being able to get in and watching on TV...I know Blues went in the Sunderland end.

Sunderland(& Feyenoord)fans as stated on here a few times were a credit to their club.

Best song I heard all day was at Hilton Services by a group of lads,not heard it before...sorry don't know tune but heard it a lot at european grounds...words something like this.........

Whoa,Whoa,Whoa,weve got the best football team in the world,
Weve got Navas and Milner,
Yaya and Silva,
Nasri and Fernandi--ho
I was at the final with wife and kids and had a fantastic day - everyone was really friendly, great atmosphere, good game, great result.

Had a few Sunderland fans shake my hand before the game and wish us luck ... and some young Sunderland lads chatted to my wife on the tube, but all in a friendly way.

I was briefly talked to/at by a very drunk City fan in the queue for Tube tickets - he'd had a skinful and had some blood on his face, and was addressing me in a very loud manner, but it was nothing really. Other than that, fantastic day.

Stark contrast to that Utd semi-final 3 years back when I thought the atmopshere after the game was toxic, and my wife and I were shocked by a few things we were called by passing Utd "fans".
erast fandorin said:
CTID1988 said:
It wasnt really the beer that was the issue, plenty of pissed up blues around were absolutely fine. Its the drugs. If you cant handle it then dont do it
Obviously drink can turn people Jekyll but have to agree,there's daft as a brush drunks,harmless drunks,two seconds from kipping drunks and violent drunks but cocaine and I include a couple of my friends in this,really does take some people to a whole new level of being a ten men wanker,paranoid and just itching for confrontation,monumental pains in the arse,not exclusive to football though,would be like that wherever they're at

Cocaine is a big problem in society and a result of a lot of the trouble in pubs and clubs.Not only does it make people paranoid and violent but it dulls their reaction to pain,making for one dangerous hyped up individual who you can give your best shot to but unless you spark them out on the chin will keep on coming.A lot of doormen brushed up on their choking out techniques as a reaction to coke as it was quicker and less damage for all parties to get them to sleep quickly and off the premesis.
Tbilisi said:
Few Sunderland near us in 552 but taken out....felt a bit embarrassed that they were due to some knob mouthing off about them....this despite my brother and 2 mates not being able to get in and watching on TV...I know Blues went in the Sunderland end.

Sunderland(& Feyenoord)fans as stated on here a few times were a credit to their club.

Best song I heard all day was at Hilton Services by a group of lads,not heard it before...sorry don't know tune but heard it a lot at european grounds...words something like this.........

Whoa,Whoa,Whoa,weve got the best football team in the world,
Weve got Navas and Milner,
Yaya and Silva,
Nasri and Fernandi--ho

I was coming out of the bogs at Warwick on the way back and about 10 lads were in the foyer bouncing around singing that. The staff shit themselves and after 10 or so repeated renditions the lads just left. It was a bit like a flash footie crowd.

As for inside the ground the front 3 rows of 544 didn't want to stand or even clap in the main for Mick Doyle. That was the worst thing I saw apart from the 15 or so Mackems about 10 rows behind me.

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