Some tips for Kiev.

If I'd have known Kiev sounded that good I'd have cancelled Christmas. Only wish I could afford it now.
My mate is actually over there now he has gone for the week with his missus and he said to take American dollars and change them there as you get a better rate.
Vicky said:
Welcome to Kiev and enjoy yourselves.

Kiev is a very nice City as are its people and the people of Kiev will welcome you to their City. Please try to enjoy yourselves during your stay.

Ok so some of you blues are coming on your own and not with a tour. When you arrive at the airport please be patient, it’s not the quickest of places to get through. Also you do not need a visa, as I am sure you are aware by now. You may stay for up to 6 months without a visa so don’t worry about time if for some reason …(Like meeting one of our millions of pretty girls) you decide to stay a bit longer. On the subject of girls. They are very pretty and approachable, so don’t be afraid to talk to them.

When you get through customs don’t get a taxi ok, they will charge you crazy money. Just walk outside of the airport and cross the street to the bus stop, this will cost you a couple of quid and get you to the centre just as quick.

Take it easy on the Vodka peeps. At least before the game, it’s the real deal here and when they say its rocket fuel, they mean its rocket fuel. Some Kiev fans will offer to drink Vodka with you to be welcoming and polite. Just be careful ok because some of this shit is home made moonshine called Samagone. You can strip paint with this stuff, its 100 percent and can be deadly if it’s a bad batch. People do die from drinking this shit. Please be careful. To be safe only drink from a bottle that you have seen opened….

Ok …Do not drink water from the tap, it’s NOT safe and you will end up watching the game from the toilet. Seriously!!!!!! Any of the bottled water is clean and safe to drink.

You are Not allowed to take any alcohol into the stadium, alcohol being spirits. Beer is not really considered alcohol here, its more like juice..hehehe true so you may be allowed to have a few pints during the game.
Also do NOT try to take anything that can be considered an offensive weapon into the stadium, any kind of knife etc will land you in deep SHIT and you will be searched on entry. I know that no sensible chap would even consider doing something so half cocked but you can buy all kinds of martial arts weapons etc here from the shops and after a few Vodka’s ……Just as a point of interest, knives are frowned upon far worse than guns are. So leave them be. So Ashley Cole you’ll be fine mate!

Ok in the Stadium the Kiev fans may seem as though they are taunting you, however , they will be honoring you and your loyalty to your team. If they applaud just return the gesture. The locals are there for the game, the day out and the piss up afterwards. So Enjoy it yourselves.

Ok Krashatic is the main street in Kiev. You will find everything you need on this road from Big Macs to Beer to Café’s and Girls hehehe. You will also find underground markets. So if it rains or gets cold just pop down there and check out the shops . There is also fast food places in them that sell quite good food and nice coffee and alcoholic drinks. Try to avoid buying food from the street vendors.

A nice place to visit is Andreovsky Spuske or its hard to translate. Its not to far from the centre and is worth a look if you are into Art, Antiques or if you want to find something different to take home. Although I must warn that the prices here are quite expensive.

You could also pop down to the river buy there isn’t much going on at this time of the year, its too cold. Although there is a good place called the River Palace. It’s an old boat that has been converted into a sport bar, Casino and night club. You can pick up girls here..For a price or just relax with a coffee or a pint. It’s a nice place to spend an evening and its run by expats!

The best place to eat is the Golden Gate Irish Pub run by a guy called Robbin. His kitchens are spotless and his food is first class. I Highly recommend this place.

Another good Irish Pub is O’Briens. Again Good food with a large selection of beer from all over the world. It also has a large expat community and live music most nights. A great place to go and have a good old piss up.

All the Taxi Drivers know these places and all these places are relatively close to the City Centre and again all are expat run.

Again I would like to stress that Kiev is a very nice City with Very welcoming people. Don’t be afraid to talk to the locals and be friendly. The people of Kiev love visitors from other countries and will welcome you with open arms. Kiev is looking forward to welcoming Manchester City football club to our City.
Please excuse my grammar as English is not my first language.

i`ve heard a few city fans are going to try and smuggle some knives in the ground that will be hidden up their anus.

have a great time lads

I'm not coming but I really enjoyed reading that. And your English puts lots of us on here to shame. Seriously.
Vicky said:
I don't know what percentage of girls will be blonde or how many fans will be coming to Coms...But I think you can expect a few...And the dark haired girls are pretty to....

-- Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:55 pm --

You have to watch out guys the girls here LOVE the English boys...You may end up getting drunk and waking up married...hhehehehe...

There may be trouble ahead.....
Anyone driving to Kiev from a Polish airport ?

Anyone driving to Kiev from a Polish airport ?

If you are then allow plenty of time for your border crossings between Poland and Ukraine, especially the return journey.

Check the queues on google earth (maps) images. I don't know if that is representative but I'd assume it is, so be careful you don't miss a flight because of it.

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