Some tips for Kiev.

Bluebird1 said:
antculmcfc said:
right, does anyone know how easy its gunna be to change english cash over there??
It's been recommended that we take euros to change rather than sterling.

ive got no euros, is it really worth changing sterling to euros here, then doin another change when there??
yeh thats what i wer thinkin, cant be arsed changin it twice, and dont think it will save me that much anyway
Haha. A summary:
'Come to Kiev, but don't drink the Ukranian water, certainly don't drink the Ukranian vodka and do your eating and drinking in an Irish pub. Oh, but you can fuck a Ukranian girl, that's your authentic experience right there.'

Then loads of people are like 'Awww, I wish I was going. I want to drink bottled water, avoid vodka, go to an Irish pub and fuck a girl, and there's no way I can do that anywhere else in the whole world, and certainly not in Manchester.'

My suggested itinerary, though I've never been: sample some Ukranian food, drink some real vodka, enjoy the match, go to a proper Ukranian bar, fuck a girl. In that order.
be aware that Ukraine`s HIV and other STDs rates are among the highest, for sure in Europe, probably even in the world so be careful if you don`t want to bring some unwanted souvenirs back home ;)
It sounds a the fantastic place I've always wanted to visit, nothing dodgy like besides I'll have the kid with me but I reckon we will have a ball.

Can't wait.
Cheers vicky.

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