Sorry if this disappoints some people ... but

DD said:
salfordblues said:
I think part of our problem as City fans is we think that the Rags are going to win every game, to us it's a foregone conclusion. However, in reality they will drop points and we've just gotta make sure we're in a position to take advantage when they do.

But can you see us taking more points than them given the fixtures left?

Yes, in a word. Don't know about anyone else.
Bluebird1 said:
salfordblues said:
Bluebird1 said:
And it takes a woman to do it! Most of the men are too busy crying in the corner.


Couldn't resist. You've gotta laugh or you'll............. well you know
He's never going to live that down, the mard arse!

Thorpiemcfc said:
[also took a woman to disallow Micah's goal...

a man would of allowed it. ;)
Ah but that would have been cheating! Oh, and she was spot on. Who says women don't understand the offside rule ;-)

100% correct BB.... despite the screams of derision when she put up her flag, she was spot on I was dissapointed to say! Having refereed many games over here, I was always happy to see female lino's allocated to the games I reffed as they got most (if not all) of the tight decisions correct....
Its down to the 11 players on the pitch! If they have the attitude that a number of people have on here...then the race is already over and we might aswel not even go out and play the next 10 games!!

If our players cannot / will not go out and put 110% in during the next 10 games - then quite frankly we dont deserve to win it! They get paid enough money to go out a cpl of times a week and perform! If they arent willing to do that...then they need to be shown the door!
Sorry if this disappoints some people, but ... we are fucked.

No way this team will win the title with the remaining schedule. Maybe if City from the start of the season turns up ...
DD said:
salfordblues said:
I think part of our problem as City fans is we think that the Rags are going to win every game, to us it's a foregone conclusion. However, in reality they will drop points and we've just gotta make sure we're in a position to take advantage when they do.

But can you see us taking more points than them given the fixtures left?

We've certainly got it in us to do so, we are the best team in the league, I've no doubt about it. We've just got to dig deep and find some resolve, grit and determination.
Like all blues I am very dissapointed this morning but still believe we can win it although it will be hard. I think its time we reverted back to our tactics at the start of the season and attacking. I think as the season has gone on we have become more defensive away from home. On paper our team is better than any of the others we play including United. Despite our fixtures us winning the title is still in our hands.
Judging by the reaction of the press and Man United fans last night, the title is already theres.

Yesterday was a huge blow, but it wasn't terminally - just yet.

Pressure is off and we have ten game left. Including one against them.

Win all ten, we win the title. Simple as that.

However we simply cannot have a repeat performance of yesterdays dire show again.
theres nothing in the recent away performances that gives me hope of beating the stoke inbreds, or the gooners unfortunately.

So we are hoping for the likes of wolves to get points against the rags....great
Sorry if this disappoints some people but... we were singing the 3 little birds song at leicester away and if you were there you'll know what happened next!

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