South Africa are ruining the world cup

There is a light said:
I'm thinking of setting up a stall outside Mary D's to sell them next season.

Do you think it would go down well?

according to these posts you may need an econo-size bottle of astroglide, but apart from that you should be fine =)
supercity36 said:
There is a light said:
I'm thinking of setting up a stall outside Mary D's to sell them next season.

Do you think it would go down well?

according to these posts you may need an econo-size bottle of astroglide, but apart from that you should be fine =)

I didn't even know what that was until I looked it up.

I'm a KY man myself ;)
I am no fan of the Vuvuzela but then I'm yet to experience one first hand. However, all those saying that they've 'ruined the world cup' are being totally melodramatic.

It's just a typical English response by alot of people on here. At least the South Africans are showing that to some of the miserable, lifeless, moaning old farts I sometimes sit next to at COMS.
brianstrousers said:
mammutly said:
If expressing a, not unpopular, opinion does actually equate to proving oneself to be an 'ignorant twat', I wonder what qualifies fair comment anymore.

You can add shite pitches to ruined match atmospheres now. South Africa was a political choice to host the world cup. They were never equipped to provide properly for the ultimate world football tournament.

Yes, some fans may have a great time, but they're on holiday! So why let the actual football matches spoil it? I'd have a good time if I'd paid ten grand to spend 3 weeks in South Africa. Doesn't mean the world cup isn't being dragged down by the constantly ruined match atmosphere and the terrible pitches - the watching world can actually see that for themselves and reach the same conclusions, albeit that the watching millions are, according to you, 'a bunch of miserable bastards sat at home'.
well there you have it,their all gone,the African nations contributed absolutely nothing(as expected if were all honest with ourselves)to this very poor world cup,though i'm convinced some of our leftie friends round here would rather they had progressed at Englands expense.

And there you go again with you not so subtle jibes and turning this into an Africa v England issue. You are not very intelligent are you? Because everyone else can see your agenda has nothing to do with the world cup or football but just trying to put across your dislike for Africa and maybe even Africans. I wonder what happens to a human being to make him so bitter and miserable? All your posts show a very angry, unhappy person its actually getting very sad. Like many others said if you do not like what you are seeing turn off noone is holding a gun to your head making you watch.

We are all supposed to be City fans here so your myopic view of things is rather self delusional. Check on the BBC website only 300 people complained about the vuvu how many people are watching the world cup? What percentage are the 300 that find it annoying? The only bad pitch was the one in Port Elizabeth yesterday which was not even terrible, according to you they are all bad and this is the worst world cup. But this is not about that with you, you have another agenda I suggest you go to websites which I pretty sure you already are a member of where you can mutually talk about the incompetence of Africans and all other hateful topics. Where you can call anyone who doesnt share your primative views as a lefty or anti English. Its just sad that people such as yourself use nationalism and patriotism as a guise for RACISM. Just come out and say it, you do not like Africans, you are unhappy the world cup is being held in Africa and you have an issue with non whites. Pathetic really as by next season the entire club will be more than 50% non white and is owned and funded by Muslims.

I come to this forum to support the club I love and to talk to fellow fans this is not a site for political opinions and personal views and beliefs keep those for your friends and like minded people.

Now ill leave you to wallow in the misery that is your life because rational conversation and debate seems to pass too far over your head for any sort of logical conclusion to be reached. Looking through all your posts your agenda is crystal clear to those bothered to read them, its just dissapointing we actually support the same club.
mammutly said:
They were never equipped to provide properly for the ultimate world football tournament.

What a load of bollocks. What have the South Africans failed to provide then ? Enlighten us....

The only problem I've seen so far was the state of the pitch that England played on yesterday...but when we can't even provide a decent pitch in our own brand new, over budget, national stadium, I hardly think we can be critical.
Most of the issues people are complaining about are FIFA issues, not South African issues:

Refereeing: Some of the refs have been diabolical - they are all FIFA hand-picked International referees.
Pitches- laid to FIFA specifications in the middle of winter (little or no rain for 4 months in Jo"Burg and frequent overnnight frost - not conducive to grass growing!)
Jabulani ball - FIFA specifications
High bounces, most free kicks going over the cross-bar - The games payed at altitude are played on rock-hard winter ground where air density is 17% less than at the coast - professionsals should know this. Try playing in Quito or La Paz in South America - it is 10 times worse as they are even higher!

Worst case sccenario - South Africa are not ruining THE World Cup - at worst, you might argue that they are ruining THIS world cup. which case I refer you to the "OFF" button on your TV remote, or the ones marked "CH+" and "CH-"
Dubai Blue said:
mammutly said:
Doesn't mean the world cup isn't being dragged down by the constantly ruined match atmosphere and the terrible pitches - the watching world can actually see that for themselves and reach the same conclusions, albeit that the watching millions are, according to you, 'a bunch of miserable bastards sat at home'.
There are plenty of watching millions that completely disagree with your conclusions.

Maybe, but they're all "ignorant twats"

;-)<br /><br />-- Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:08 pm --<br /><br />
didactic said:
brianstrousers said:
well there you have it,their all gone,the African nations contributed absolutely nothing(as expected if were all honest with ourselves)to this very poor world cup,though i'm convinced some of our leftie friends round here would rather they had progressed at Englands expense.

And there you go again with you not so subtle jibes and turning this into an Africa v England issue. You are not very intelligent are you? Because everyone else can see your agenda has nothing to do with the world cup or football but just trying to put across your dislike for Africa and maybe even Africans. I wonder what happens to a human being to make him so bitter and miserable? All your posts show a very angry, unhappy person its actually getting very sad. Like many others said if you do not like what you are seeing turn off noone is holding a gun to your head making you watch.

We are all supposed to be City fans here so your myopic view of things is rather self delusional. Check on the BBC website only 300 people complained about the vuvu how many people are watching the world cup? What percentage are the 300 that find it annoying? The only bad pitch was the one in Port Elizabeth yesterday which was not even terrible, according to you they are all bad and this is the worst world cup. But this is not about that with you, you have another agenda I suggest you go to websites which I pretty sure you already are a member of where you can mutually talk about the incompetence of Africans and all other hateful topics. Where you can call anyone who doesnt share your primative views as a lefty or anti English. Its just sad that people such as yourself use nationalism and patriotism as a guise for RACISM. Just come out and say it, you do not like Africans, you are unhappy the world cup is being held in Africa and you have an issue with non whites. Pathetic really as by next season the entire club will be more than 50% non white and is owned and funded by Muslims.

I come to this forum to support the club I love and to talk to fellow fans this is not a site for political opinions and personal views and beliefs keep those for your friends and like minded people.

Now ill leave you to wallow in the misery that is your life because rational conversation and debate seems to pass too far over your head for any sort of logical conclusion to be reached. Looking through all your posts your agenda is crystal clear to those bothered to read them, its just dissapointing we actually support the same club.

Listen. I don't know if your rather limp rant is directed at me or not. But if you are seriously suggesting I have a racist agenda, you are being very silly indeed.

Also, could you please tell me what the fuck:

We are all supposed to be City fans here so your myopic view of things is rather self delusional.

is supposed to mean?

I have a suspicion that you wrote it in a clearly failed attempt to sound clever, but please enlighten me if you can.
Enough name-calling chaps ...back on topic...

I've got mine!


And its fookin' loud!!!! My daughter gave it a blast in the living room tonight and within seconds next door neighbours were knocking on the conservatory window wanting to know what the fook it was!!!! (sheepishly promised not to let it off again when their little ones were in bed .... oops! )

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