Southampton (A) - Carabao Cup | Post Match Thread

Kinell, if ever we needed a kick up the arse before a derby, this was it. Gomez, Phillips, Cancelo and Walker, best not comment
Well, to be honest, if there’s one cup you had to kick off the raft it would be this one but the manner of the exit was diabolical from professional footballers.

A foul throw in from a Premier League footballer is worthy of a fine in my book too.
Not even a shot on target against that dog shit
Really starting to feel like the beginning of the end of an era coz it's not just been this performance, there have been far too many below par.
Can't see more than a draw Saturday which tells you how much we've dropped off.
That's what happens when a business sells top assets and brings in inferior ones.
Some absolute bed wetters in the match thread. Someone even suggested 15 of our 25 man squad should be sold.

Yes, we were poor and we were undercooked for whatever reason. Saint's had a free hit under ZERO pressure, and were on it from the first to the last whistle. And don't for one second underestimate their home advantage for an evening kick off; that would have been a completely different game at the Etihad.
How would you rate our season so far? How many games do you think we have played really well? Are we at the same level as previous years under Pep? This performance was not a “one off” as I have watched every game this season and we have mostly been well below our usual standards.
Started off badly & it got worse.
Some dreadful performances…Gomez was a joke, Cancelo awful (again), Phillips was weak and slow, Palmer is too slow and too one-footed.
Pointless set up again, Walker at CB…Pep almost ballsed things up at Chelsea last week by playing people out of position & does it again tonight…
Such a tepid slow start from us with a myriad of misplaced passes…players taking foul throws…so many basic mistakes.
Bloody annoyed
Honestly. Shite performance but I'd struggle to muster giving a fuck. It's a competition we've dominated recently and it has lost its luster. Better to get beat now than after a two legged semi or at a final. Not worth committing to memory this one, I can't say I'll be paying close attention to who goes on to win the damn thing.
I don't blame Pep. He had to rest our players.

I don't blame our players that needed rest.

But a few things are clear as day: we miss Ruben Dias defensively.

Cancelo has somehow cancelled himself from the left back position or even a starting position.. looks completely lost out there.

The biggest and most worrying thing was we missed Rodri. Our midfield was totally non existant till Rodri came on.

Romeo Lavia totally bossed the midfield. He owned it and made Kalvin Philips look invisible today.

Sergio Gomez looks vulnerable defensively when he gives to ball away so he/ Cancelo/ Kalvin Philips are major question marks.

Basically we need a new left back and a defensive midfielder to play when we need to rest Rodri or we might not get much from this season.

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