Southampton post match thread

Well we have already sacrificed our chances in the FA cup to maximise our chances in this competition, gifting our rivals a free run at the trophy. If we miss out on top four to them also I hope this will still be considered a successful risk. I am pretty sure United played on Thursday, and had less recovery time, prior to beating us in the Derby, without Pellers required three days rest. It is the nature of being a top class footballer and a winner. Clubs like Barca, Madrid have been doing it for years. We are making concessions when in all honesty there is no need too.

Madrid rested several players on Saturday, as did Bayern Munich, ahead of the second legs.
I think most people can have some sympathy for the predicament that Pellegrini was faced with yesterday........however
  • The constant 2 upfront means the midfield invariably gets over run....whichever team selection he makes.
  • The lack of opportunities he has given the youngsters, means that the opportunity to freshen up the team in games such as yesterday is reduced.
  • Surely it can't be a healthy situation that the majority of the players chosen to play yesterday knew they were only on the pitch because they won't be starting against excuse for them ( it highlights point 2 about the youngsters though)
  • If Pellegrini had got his tactics correct in previous games....yesterday's game shouldn't have mattered....instead of now scrambling about for fourth place.
I think Pellegrini should be treated with dignity and the insults are uncalled for......However I think most of the criticism is warranted.
I don't think even his biggest fans would argue that the criticism is not deserved.
I think most people can have some sympathy for the predicament that Pellegrini was faced with yesterday........however
  • The constant 2 upfront means the midfield invariably gets over run....whichever team selection he makes.
  • The lack of opportunities he has given the youngsters, means that the opportunity to freshen up the team in games such as yesterday is reduced.
  • Surely it can't be a healthy situation that the majority of the players chosen to play yesterday knew they were only on the pitch because they won't be starting against excuse for them ( it highlights point 2 about the youngsters though)
  • If Pellegrini had got his tactics correct in previous games....yesterday's game shouldn't have mattered....instead of now scrambling about for fourth place.
I think Pellegrini should be treated with dignity and the insults are uncalled for......However I think most of the criticism is warranted.

That is very good post mate. The situation we find ourselves in was not created yesterday but the result of poor decision making over the course of a whole season. Nobody would have advocated resting players if we were competing for the title this weekend but due to previous failings it seems risking a Champs league spot or possibly forcing the side to compete in a play off match, damaging our pre-seasons planning seems an acceptable risk. I very much doubt this is a decision Pellergrini would make if he was still to be the manager next year. The players have a significant period of rest and should be able to cope with the demands placed upon them without the performance being significantly affected.

Tactically you also have to question why we reverted back to two upfront, away from home, when playing a weakened side. As you point out that could be due to limited options, partly brought about by having little confidence in the players breaking through at youth level and integrating them into the squad.
On paper the team looked strong enough to do the job and with a champions league semi final in three days he did the right thing there. He couldn't have expected most of them to play so shockingly with a couple adding a ''Couldn't give a fuck'' attitude too. We have repeated the same mistakes all season though,particularly in defence and midfield and that has to be down to inadequate coaching,training and tactics. Winning a league cup trophy and even if we won the champions league the season would somehow feel like a failure.Why? Because all season we have witnessed utter dross in most of the league games and lost TEN so far,over a quarter of what we have played.So our overriding memory is shell shocked players being ran ragged by Spurs,Liverpool and Southampton and struggling to beat teams we should be smashing.It is just glossing over what we know are major deficiencies in the team that have to be addressed.

Oh and yes I know we would have all been delighted with this 10 years ago but that was then and this is now.

I usually agree with your posts but not this bit. The "couldn't give a fuck" attitude was totally and utterly predictable. And even more so when they heard the swamp rats had dropped two points. Some of that attitude - but by no means all - would have been transmitted by the manager.
Excellent post, sir. Not risking results with youngsters is sometimes excused because acute pressure on managers forces ultra-short term thinking. However, even within the horizons of a single season, it's a fair bet there will be injuries and hence the need for match-prepared back-up. Yesterday provided a prime example: three or four up-and-coming kids versus jaded, unmotivated but "proven" players?

As far as I'm concerned, it's short-sightedness rather than short termism.

I think the FA should allow clubs to have two extra substitutes as long as they are club trained. That would allow clubs to at least have the constant option of bringing on a young player if the circumstances are right.
Secondly what was there to gain for us yesterday other than consolidating top 4 spot? Madrid have a title to fight for and yet rested major players even though they were playing a day early. We can go back to 3rd if we beat arsenal at home and united wont have it easy with none of their games so top 4 is safe.

Safe? Is it fcuk as like.
Madrid rested several players on Saturday, as did Bayern Munich, ahead of the second legs.

They did mate, I have to concede that, but arguably there best players/ spine available to them remained in the side. Ramos, Modric, Bale. What was interesting they rested there two full backs though. I think we may see a few overlaps on Wednesday. I can fully understand Bayern resting players as they are pretty much home and dry unless a disaster ensues.
Does anybody have the league table for average distance covered by teams during games for the season ( serious) . Would love to see it.

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