Southerners Who Support City

Well, actually l was born in Albert Square on the Town Hall steps, so that makes me a bigger Blue than all of you, of course it doesn't ,its all condescending bollocks.

It doesn't matter where people are from ,if they are Blues ,they are ok in my book.
fathellensbellend said:
do people who live north of manchester get the same dis respect as people who live south of manchester, ie does a geordie city fan get more respect than a cockney city fan

People in South Manchester do tend to look down on people in North Manchester for some reason.

The feeling isn't reciprocated towards the South Mancs though.

I think this is because we are more, educated, liberal and forgiving in North Manchester, and we don't succumb to petty rivalries.

Not like those ill mannered, banjo playing, chav bastards from the south of the city. ;-P
Supported Blues since late 60s, yes I am a glory hunter but all started when I was at home in Northern Ireland reading about Peter the Great
I often question why I do it and still can’t pin point a good reason. I just know that I really look forward to each game and have done since my first game as an 8 year old. I decided to support City because a) I had no local team within 30 miles, b) my mates supported the other Manchester team and I wanted to be different and c) I had no idea Manchester was so god damn far away. Nowadays, I travel to every home game – a 580 mile round trip, drag my wife and 2 young kids to most matches and have a flat opposite the ground to make the journey more bearable. I often wish I had been born in Manchester and had a Manchester accent. It would certainly save me from constantly having to justify my mad obsession. My Dad lived in Manchester for a few years when he was a young boy. Will that do? I do feel that there is a very ‘snobbish’ attitude amongst Manchester born City fans towards southerners, which really does need to be addressed if we are to have a larger following and at the very least fill CoMS each week.
Bunk said:
Citytillidie69 said:
Guys - just out of interest - How and why did you become blues?

(I reckon you must all be masochist's or have some other perversion)

My support of City is bore out of a fairly deep-seated and somewhat disturbing hatred of Manchester United. As a youngster I hated their players, I hated the manager (same tosser in charge now) and I hated the fact that almost all the kids in my Southern school supported them for seemingly no other reason other than they win all the time.

Man City seemed the natural choice.

My support for the club quadrupled when I moved to the city aged 18, I was a regular at Maine for many years, those were the first football matches I’d ever been to.

The nearest vaguely half-decent team to where I grew up is Cheltenham, currently sat at the very bottom of the old Third Division, a lofty position when compared to their league position when I was a kid growing up (not even sure they were in the league at all).

You left the mighty Cheltenham............................................shame on you! ;)
I suppose the question was asked as it might be hard to comprehend living in a city/town that does not have such a great football heritage as Manchester; it must be the most concentrated football city. Not being from Manchester I would guess that a lot of talk in Manchester revolves around football; that is the impression you get reading the forum comments.

Where I come from the nearest league football is Aldershot, and that is only recently. Before then it would be either south London or South coast. And ae don’t have that lively football debate down here; mores the pity.

My love of all things blue started when my mum and two brothers returned from living in Jamaica throughout the sixties, leaving my Dad behind.

My first best friend at school one day asked who I supported and I had no idea what the hell is was going on about. After explaining that everyone must support a football tem I asked him who he supported; he replied Man City. As it was good enough for him then it will do for me.

Later that year we all returned to Jamaica for our holidays and I told this story to my Dad. He had never talked about football before but I was amazed to lean that when he went to collage in Jamaica in the 40/50s his college house was called Manchester City, (The other houses were named after other England teams) and he had always supported them. So I have stayed with them now for 40 years this winter.

Manchester may not be in my blood but City is in my passion.
Southern KK said:
I suppose the question was asked as it might be hard to comprehend living in a city/town that does not have such a great football heritage as Manchester; it must be the most concentrated football city. Not being from Manchester I would guess that a lot of talk in Manchester revolves around football; that is the impression you get reading the forum comments.

Where I come from the nearest league football is Aldershot, and that is only recently. Before then it would be either south London or South coast. And ae don’t have that lively football debate down here; mores the pity.

My love of all things blue started when my mum and two brothers returned from living in Jamaica throughout the sixties, leaving my Dad behind.

My first best friend at school one day asked who I supported and I had no idea what the hell is was going on about. After explaining that everyone must support a football tem I asked him who he supported; he replied Man City. As it was good enough for him then it will do for me.

Later that year we all returned to Jamaica for our holidays and I told this story to my Dad. He had never talked about football before but I was amazed to lean that when he went to collage in Jamaica in the 40/50s his college house was called Manchester City, (The other houses were named after other England teams) and he had always supported them. So I have stayed with them now for 40 years this winter.

Manchester may not be in my blood but City is in my passion.

Nice one. I like that tale.
I'm from London, originally. 1970 world cup, I was six. Esso promotion - football coins. My parents aren't interested in football. I decided that I'd support the team of whatever player was on the coin that I got when my father stopped at a particular Esso garage. I got Francis Lee, so I support City. My brother got Bobby Charlton. He also supported City (he was younger than me - he had no choice!).

But if I'd taken the other coin...

Mind you, I don't hate United. For me, it's the London teams I'm not keen on. (And I don't care if people think this means I'm not a 'real' fan!)
Cheltblue said:
Take the 'big 4' out of it and Cheltenham is mini-Manc, fantastic support for City down here. the supporters branch has been run by a blue named Pat Higgins (top bloke, and never misses a game if he can help it) as far back as i joined which was 1976 and he will fill at least 1 coach most weeks and there are also a fair few other blues who travel up by car as well.

With what i have been through since i started supporting em in 1970, there is no way that anyone will tell me that the passionate City fans of the South are any less bluer than the passionate City fans of Manchester. How many times has been said on the forum that Blues are chosen? There has never been a truer saying.

Yes, Cheltenham have a club and i always hope they do well and will go and watch em with my boy prob 4 or 5 times a season, but i dont believe anyone has to support a team cus they are local, you support your team because they take you in emotionally and then the fuckers proceed to control the rest of your life. Next to my kids (or at least alongside!!) City are in my thoughts almost all day everyday and as you all know its like we are kindred spirits with our team.

And how did this start for me???

All because Franny Lee was given Englands Man of the Match by the Sun, in the 1970 World Cup game against brazil and they had his picture on the back page. That was it.................the day i was chosen, and fuck havnt i paid the price since!!!

City Southerners, Northerners, Easterners & Weterners, creeds, colours..............................kindred spirits my friends!

Good on you chelt, i always wondered how you managed to get such a good crew
together from your area. I know the landlord of the Townley in Beswick & he says theres a
coach load from cheltenam in his pub for every home game & he really appreciates your

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