Southerners Who Support City

Citytillidie69 said:
I think anyone, wherever in the world that has supported City PRIOR to August 2008 is OK in my book.

Anyone who has come on board after the Arabs took over may have Blackburn, Rag, Arse, Cheslki replica shirts in the back of their wardrobes. - very suspect in my view.

Argree,i fell in love with city in 1968 and will be there untill my dying breath, league's and cup wins or no fucking league's or cup wins.
The nearest football ground to me is wembley stadium, i can see it from my bedroom window. I have watched City play in over 20 odd different countries including Hong kong, Shanghai and Thailand, I have seen them play at 80 odd different grounds in this country and been a season ticket holder for 34 years and i still haven't got a clue why i support them.
Answers on a postcard please. ;-]
City are my "second" team but I am still passionate about the club and make as many games as possible. Only been to one this season but hope to make another one or two. Before anyone starts I have supported City since I was 7 because I have a sort of underdog mentality and hated United because of every other bugger was wearing a rag strip.
themoabird said:
I'm from London, originally. 1970 world cup, I was six. Esso promotion - football coins. My parents aren't interested in football. I decided that I'd support the team of whatever player was on the coin that I got when my father stopped at a particular Esso garage. I got Francis Lee, so I support City. My brother got Bobby Charlton. He also supported City (he was younger than me - he had no choice!).

But if I'd taken the other coin...

Mind you, I don't hate United. For me, it's the London teams I'm not keen on. (And I don't care if people think this means I'm not a 'real' fan!)
good job you didnt get jack charlton or noman hunter
city bairn said:
City are my "second" team but I am still passionate about the club and make as many games as possible. Only been to one this season but hope to make another one or two. Before anyone starts I have supported City since I was 7 because I have a sort of underdog mentality and hated United because of every other bugger was wearing a rag strip.

I suppose if someone put a gun to my head I'd say the same thing, that City were my second team now, as most supporters of non-league clubs have their own bigger club so to speak, but unless Chelmsford reach the third round of the F.A. Cup, not impossible especially if we get into the Blue Square Premier next seaon and that would mean only one qualifying round to play before the first round proper, and then draw City I wouldn't have to choose, or maybe even the league cup in a few years time but that's me being very wishful!
I was born in Spring gardens Hazel Grove in 1962 and moved down south in 1972. But still consider myself as a Manc.
(although technically I'm not). Been blue since 1968, and very occasionally make the 400 mile round trip to see my beloved Blues.
about 4 times a season.
When I'm asked why City I always say coz its me local club.
born in offerton, move to the midlands in 69, spent many a happy sat morning hitchin to manc or wherever we were playing away in the 70`s, it was a lot more dangerous in those days and as I was always on my own I had a good few scrapes at motorway service stations and on trains, all in good fun though.
Born and lived in Dorset all my life. Been supporting City since i was 6 (1976).

I really have no idea what started me off supporting City? It may have been the cup final that year, but i'm guessing i just liked the kit probably. I know i had two of the Umbro Box Kits (remember them?). One was the home shirt with the diamonds all down the long sleeves, and the other was the white one with the black and red diagonal stripe.

My Dad supported Arsenal, as did one older Brother. The other older Brother supported Chelsea, and my younger Bro couldn't give a shit one way or the other. I don't ever remember having Arsenal being forced on me, and to be fair they had nothing but respect for me supporting such crap over the last 30 odd years. You wouldn't believe the shite i've took over the years being one of only two Bluesin my school, and the only other Blue binned City for Ipswich in about 1981 if i remember right. So that was it... me against the lot.... and that's just how i like it. It's made me who i am.

I've been going since i was old enough to travel on my own. Used to have a season ticket, but couldn't afford to keep it up. I still get to about 15 or so matches a season depending on finacial status. It's a 500 mile round trip and petrol is a killer.

I may have chosen City consciously or sub consciously, but one thing's for sure.... i chose the right club. I suit them, and they suit me... anyone else is just unthinkable.

Right... best get some kip, and then it's a 3 hour drive to Stanstead!
Living in Reading but from Northern Ireland and suppose can be called a glory hunter as I started supporting City as a youngster back in 1981 in the FA Cup Final.

My mate started supporting Spurs at the same time, we still are regulars at our respective clubs!!!!
Born in Carlisle but managed to escape. lived in west london until 1990 and now Fleet in Hampshire. supported City since 1968, no idea why I just do!! - I ran a footie team in the '70's and we had the city kit with the blue and red diagonal stripe.

I don't think it makes you less of a fan if you aren't born near the ground - if that were the case then Wheelsy is f*cked!! :-)

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