Splitting the Bill

It looks like we are starting to weed out some of the cheap cunts that expect others to subsidise their meal costs.
Stay home and have beans on toast. It'll save you the time of having to clean all the cat and dog hair off your clothes anyway.
Scruffy bastards.
Seems to be a lot of people who go out for meals that they resent paying for, with people they don’t particularly like, on nights out they don’t seem to enjoy very much.

Is just don’t bother going a silly suggestion?
Brother in law is the tightest Man I know, he also earns the most of anyone I know as well, he always, without fail orders the most expensive three courses then insists the bill is split, he also sneakily orders extra drinks for himself without asking the rest of the table whenever he can catch a waitress which I do actually find rude but we've got to the point of just agreeing and then taking the piss behind his back to be honest, not worth falling out over.

My biggest gripe when splitting the bill is it's always the tight bastards who win with the tipping as well, one of our lasses mates literally has no shame in just tipping a quid or even 50p so I always end up another £10/£15 worse off to top that up out of embarrassment.
Fuck that, get him told

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