Splitting the Bill

Is the correct answer. Whenever I'm sitting in a group when the bill arrives, it's just split by the number of participants, add a 10-15% tip etc.

The annoying w-anchors are the attendees who ask for a split bill, 'cos they didn't order a drink, or a dessert etc, it's almost like the oxygen gets sucked out of the room when they open their mouths.

I'd univite anyone who starts a sentence with "Well we only had 2 courses of the cheaper options"......
Ha ha ha. Bang on!
I go on an ex works do twice a year, in July where the wives are allowed and december which is just the guys.

Its always in the same Indian restaurant, and the organiser sends out the menu 2 months or so in advance.

We then choose what we want and email him back, but there's no king Prawn or other expensive stuff.

We get a couple of poppadoms with all the chutneys, a mixed started and main meal of Chicken incl Tikka and Lamb incl Tikka, with all the various curries like Madras, Korma etc, plus a choice of bread garlic or plain nan.

It's cost us £20 a head for ages but has just gone up to £25 but it includes a fiver tip, which we pay to the organiser before the event.

So on the night all I have to pay for are drinks which we pay individually as they are ordered and arrive at the table.

We've been doing it this way for ever and it works a treat. I always try to book a hotel for both do's so there's no worries driving home.
Sounds a right laugh
The tight people are the people who don't put in for what they ordered.

Why should you expect someone to pick up your shortfall just for some social etiquette that isn't universal and isn't agreed upon before you order the food?

Would you go to the restaurant without enough money to cover your three course meal and drinks because your buddy will pick it up instead?
If its a first date I will pay, but if they make a point of wanting to pay half I don't argue. With a long term partner or friends it's split equally. No hair splitting about who had an extra drink or whatever.

More etiquette I follow if it is a partners birthday I'll pay and vice versa, if we go out for a friend's birthday we will all chip in to pay for the birthday boy/girl's meal.
If you’re out with the missus, you pay. No questions, no exemptions.
The tight people are the people who don't put in for what they ordered.

Why should you expect someone to pick up your shortfall just for some social etiquette that isn't universal and isn't agreed upon before you order the food?

Would you go to the restaurant without enough money to cover your three course meal and drinks because your buddy will pick it up instead?
“Just for some social etiquette “. That’ll do for me.
Some people take the piss. They are life’s takers and they will plot and scheme to get the most whilst paying the least. I know people like this and the lengths they will go to in order to get others pay for their pleasures is quite frankly mind boggling. If not paying their fair share was an Olympic sport they’d be on that podium every 4 years.
I’m expert at sniffing them out and the tight arsed cunts will get nothing out of me. Mind you it’s taken years of them taking the piss for me to finally not give a fuck about them feeling offended when I force them to pay their fare share.
Brother in law is the tightest Man I know, he also earns the most of anyone I know as well, he always, without fail orders the most expensive three courses then insists the bill is split, he also sneakily orders extra drinks for himself without asking the rest of the table whenever he can catch a waitress which I do actually find rude but we've got to the point of just agreeing and then taking the piss behind his back to be honest, not worth falling out over.

My biggest gripe when splitting the bill is it's always the tight bastards who win with the tipping as well, one of our lasses mates literally has no shame in just tipping a quid or even 50p so I always end up another £10/£15 worse off to top that up out of embarrassment.

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