Sports you just dont 'get'

crizack said:
Cricket is wank
Rugby is wanker
Golf is the wankiest.

Three of the most boring 'sports' ever. Posh sports for posh ones.

Rugby union, yeah. But definitely not rugby league.
women's tennis
women's volleyball/ beach volleyball

i just don't get why they cant wear less clothes.
Games I hate:

Basketball- just utterly rubbish.
Rugby union- any game where you can rename cheating to 'the dark arts' and therefore declare it acceptable is not worth it.
Golf- marbles for old people.
Polocrosse- spotted this on Sky the other day- it's lacrosse on horseback
Formula One- I'd rather watch the M60
Tennis- I play it about three times a year, but hate watching it.
Rowing- loads of people I knew at uni were obsessed with it. Boring, boring rubbish, and the boat race is filled with Yanks and Dutch lads who mysteriously get in for easy access degrees which only seem to last a year.

Games I learned to love:
Rugby league
Gaelic football
nashark said:
Motor Sports
American sports (Ice Hockey's okay)
[ice] Hockey is CANADIAN NOT AMERICAN!!! never forget it!
it's also the greatest sport ever.

In my opinion anything you can do well, when you are too drunk to drive(legally) is not a sport. (ie darts, fishing, cards ect.)

volley ball
tennis and all other racquet sports
basically most sports that aren't [ice] Hockey, Canadian football, and footy/soccer I don't care about.
Curling.Wtf is that all about? and also ski jumping. Where do you go and practice that!?.Pointless.
bassman said:
Curling.Wtf is that all about? and also ski jumping. Where do you go and practice that!?.Pointless.
ski jumpings brilliant,Eddie the Eagle used to practise his technique in his back garden and look how good he was

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