Spuds v CITY - Official Match Thread

we couldnt handle two players Lennon and Crouch,a top team would of dealt with them.doubling up stopping supply etc...
A truly awful display last night, we couldn't even master the basics, like passing to a teammate. Is there anyone who didn't know, pre kickoff, that Spurs would try and get Lennon 1 v 1 with Sylvinho and lump long balls at Crouch to expose our defensive frailties? Apparently Hughes was unaware of this as, low and behold, the 2 goals that mattered came from these two sources.

We didn't have a shot worthy of the name for 70 odd minutes, by which time the game was lost. That was the worst performance of the season, by a distance.
First time in a long time i felt like just switching off...Probably one of the worst performances ive seen. This Hughes inner, is quickly becoming an outer! Silvinho was utter shite, not fast enough for a player like Lennon...If we dont win the next 3, were fucked...
Agreed, it was complete shite! Embarassing on a number of levels. Silvinho, Robbie and Ade were brutal. Not fit for the shirt

Mark Hughes has had long enough and enough spend to make it happen. Get fucking rid of him!!

phuzion said:
First time in a long time i felt like just switching off...Probably one of the worst performances ive seen. This Hughes inner, is quickly becoming an outer! Silvinho was utter shite, not fast enough for a player like Lennon...If we dont win the next 3, were fucked...
i watched the first 5 mins, ( i had to work) and we looked like we could get something form the game, but rang me dad, he told me we're utter shite, gutted!, we need to be winning these games to progress as a team.
THE worst performance of the season so far most definateley.

I've never bothered registerin with a forum before but drivin 400 miles to sit freezin my knackers off for that shite has moved me to.
What really f@ckd me off was the totally uncommitted attitude of Adebyor and Robinho. Not interested, either of them. They need a kick up the arse. Adebyor has perfected the art of running in a half arsed eliptical arc towards through balls so that he doesn't actually reach them - what the fack is that all about? And why does he never challenge for a ball in the air when his back is to goal. I can understand that this might be a tactic so that he isnt wrong footed if the ball comes directley back to him from the ensuing clearance, but look how effective the results of Crouch winning the ball in the air last night. Tevez did all his work while he strolled around. Stroll on.
I fear Robinho will do jack to risk injury with a world cup winners medal looming on the horizon.He'd rather let Corluka of all people to take the piss than put a foot in.
Having said that I wouldn't get rid of either of them! Robinho on form is our classiest player by a country mile. A luxury yes but a neccessary one coz he can disrupt the best defences. Adebyor seemed to be the most affected by the energy lack running throught the entire team last night,but we all know what he can be like when he's on fire.

The problem is motivational and that is a managers territory. I'm finding myself sliding into the Hughes Out camp, i don't think he has the subtlety of thought to work with this sort of player. He might be able to work with a team of deJongs but thats never gonna happen.

And further more last night - Sylvinho. Nice guy from the interviews I've seen. Please retire now. He looked past it at Bolton so why Hughes selected him against Lennon I dont know. Of course he would have known that 'Robbie' would be tracking back to help as he always does. Not a lack of managerial intelligence but bloody common sense.

And can't Hughes see summits up with Barry and sort that. The guys mind's not on the game. Probably wishin he was back at villa. Some of his passin is plain absent minded. Hes the fulcrum of impotence. This sort of lack of understanding shows a real lack of managerial intelligence.

Hughes - he hasn't got it at all.

Positives from last night - best Cornish pasties in the premier league.

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