Spurs (A) | PL | Post-Match Thread

All in here.

I know everyone is frustrated with that performance but things aren’t quite as bad as they may seem in this moment.
Lol things are actually much worse than they seem. We’re 2nd and the media still thinks there’s a title race, yet the reality is there’s no race and we have a broken dressing room with players that the manager is refusing to play, for reasons which can only be bad. The season is a write off.
I’m gonna say this and then hide.. United look better than us at the minute.

It’s not even formation, we’ve looked shite in several different ones.
Dreadful once again away at Spurs. We never looked like scoring at all, the only one that took the fight to Spurs was Grealish. The rest of them were awful. 2nd to every ball, vulnerable to the counters, no creativity in midfield. Very very poor.

We may aswell play with a false 9 if we're going to carry on playing like this. Haaland isn't getting a decent pass. He must be so frustrated at the moment.

A rebuild required in the summer, especially in midfield and out wide. The lack of legs and creativity is clear to see.
Really don’t think haaalnd suits a pep side. Just doesn’t have the technique to get involved in the build up and we are so risk averse with our passing.

Big summer needed but the links to Maddison has more concerned.

Grealish played really tbf to him as did ake
Gonna finish behind those rag bastards at this rate and have to listen to the giddy bastards all summer.
The positive is, we tend to sort what’s needed in the squad out better when we have a poor season.

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