Spurs (A) | PL | Post-Match Thread

Please not Sterling. I couldn’t stand watching him fall over in front of an open goal or missing sitters left right and centre.
It’s a huge no for me. Chelsea are just Raheems meal ticket. We don’t look back.

I wouldn’t have minded if one of are players today actually got in a position to miss a sitter and that’s the problem are wingers will never score 15 goals a season between them , so many taps ins and to do that you need proper movement , so underrated just cause sometimes you miss hit a 2 yard ball you can be so important in other ways ie scoring goals that win you games
Really don’t think haaalnd suits a pep side. Just doesn’t have the technique to get involved in the build up and we are so risk averse with our passing.

Big summer needed but the links to Maddison has more concerned.

Grealish played really tbf to him as did ake
not true in the slightest when refuse to play to his strength and pass the ball.
Most won’t have it on here, because we have to remember where came from. But you are correct, Laporte and Dias on the bench and Akanji playing. If you were either of those players you would be like wtf

Foden the one for me ? how on earth does he not get a start after watching us vs spurs
At least usually we create chances etc and still look threatening against them, today wasn’t even that bar Mahrez shot.
Today was an acid test and we never came close to passing it mate.

More of concern are the players all looking at each other and shaking their heads.

They don't seem to enjoy their instructions.
There’s not enough leaders in our team , people to stand up and be counted.

Today was like numerous occasions you knew once behind we weren’t coming back.
Maybe if you went away on business staying overnight and during the night you were ill?
Yes I understand that totally, with him not figuring for a few games now it’s seems to me odd, and that’s my opinion pal not falling into any rumours. I don’t do social media just on here.
We more or less had Alvarez and Rico playing in midfield today, as previously alluded too sick to death of playing an inverted fullback ! I also know he was wank the last time he played but how the hell is Phillips going to get upto speed if he ain't playing at least it would help Rodri out.
spot on matey,
why fans keep bringing up the past and say look what we were, we should be thankful for what we have now ?
Even Pep is open to attack and blame when things are not good, he says it's a result business and is big enough to take it,

the players don't believe in pep any more ? it's clear as mud, what more do you want ? results, players leaving, world-class players sat on the bench fully fit, its simple
It’s a battle Pep needs to win imo. Otherwise we end up like Chelsea. It can’t be rosy all of the time. Pep is the downfall to his own greatness. I wouldn’t swap him for any other coach. Players come and go unless you are a Dave or Komps etc. City won’t choose the players over the boss and that’s how it should be unless the boss has went toxic. Which does not seem the case at all. He cares about the club and his legacy. If anyone thinks he is happy watching that garbage then go have a lay down -:) Head down and soldier on.
We are not thinking about being champions'
FT: Spurs 1-0 Man City.

Manchester City Pep Guardiola speaking to Sky Sports: "We started really well, as usually happens against Tottenham home and away, but after we made a mistake they punished us - 1-0 down it is different, we had chances, and of course when we lose balls in transition with Kulusevski and Son, it is not easy. We dropped three points."

Did your players follow the plan? "Most of the time, yeah, But it is not easy when 10 players defend, and sit back a little bit more than in the Etihad two weeks ago. We played good, started well and missed maybe the last pass, to shoot."

On bringing on Kevin de Bruyne: "I wanted him for the last pass, to find between the lines, he can make one of these actions and that was the reason."

On City's poor record at Spurs: "Sooner or later it is going to change, but it is strange we haven't scored one goal, we have missed penalties in the past. To find an explanation is not easy.

"We found the positions, made good balls to the channels, but missed the last action up front.

"We are not in the position to think about being champions, just the next game, Aston Villa, we will prepare well and play our game as best as possible.

"Tottenham has a fantastic team and squad and they punish you. They have a lot of quality up front and don't need much with transitions, set pieces, give a lot of credit to them."
I've put this into my famous enigma machine: "We were shit. The players don't pass forward and that is on me. I tell them to protect the ball, so they do. My striker is bored. I am bored. I must be bored otherwise why do i fuck about so often?"

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