Spurs (A) | PL | Post-Match Thread

Has Pep lost the dressing room? Somethings just wrong
I don't think he makes us worse or Pep doesn't know how to use him, it's just theres one creative player who can find him in KDB no one else is creating for him. We need a David Silva to help Kev with the creativity
true. he is isolated. no one on his wavelength to play the early ball.

it's an open message board for all city fans

It is but you posted utter bullshit based on absolutely fuck all.

If you want to claim the end of Pep then you can accept being called out on it.
I’m sorry Pep but it’s you, you’re the problem.

You need someone to help you figure out how to play them away, and unfortunately the answer might not be something you want to hear or don’t agree with.

At least when we lose the match day thread gets over 200 pages, will be same here too I would think….
Hopefully there is a massive row on the team coach ( if they are all travelling together) and a few home truths are given by Pep & the players.
Can see it just being silent though as everyone just thinks shitty things, much better a row and getting it all out.
Past that point mate. Players have lost something. Stagnated or whatever you want to call it. Walking about on the pitch is not acceptable no matter who you are or what you have done. We have peaked and now they all want out to sunnier climates. No fight left. Squad players not good enough to take over for the star players.
I’ve been critical of Grealish but I wish more players in this team had his attitude. The ONLY player today who constantly tried to force things to happen never gave up. De Bruyne came on and looked like he couldn’t be arsed

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