Spurs supporters

VOOMER said:
mcmanus said:
I even asked the mods not to ban the little prick because he highlighted the things I fucking hate about the deluded cockney nobs.

I really hope for his sake that he is on Easter hols from school and just a kid who stopped wanking himself stupid to be a WUM on a rival's forum. If he isn't, he will be a spotty, ginger, fat, ugly virgin living with mother with no fucking life. Either way I kind of feel sorry for the southern twat.

Note to young City lads: Please do not copy the idiotic behaviour of this **** and embaras us ;)

Oi, not all fat ginger people are virgins living with their mothers!

I sell hair dye if that is any use Voom?
VOOMER said:
mcmanus said:
I even asked the mods not to ban the little prick because he highlighted the things I fucking hate about the deluded cockney nobs.

I really hope for his sake that he is on Easter hols from school and just a kid who stopped wanking himself stupid to be a WUM on a rival's forum. If he isn't, he will be a spotty, ginger, fat, ugly virgin living with mother with no fucking life. Either way I kind of feel sorry for the southern twat.

Note to young City lads: Please do not copy the idiotic behaviour of this **** and embaras us ;)

Oi, not all fat ginger virgins are living with their mothers!
nikatomcfc said:
LOL stupid pricks

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.tottenhamhotspurs.tv/players-lounge/17011-premier-league-thread-2010-11-a-51.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.tottenhamhotspurs.tv/players ... -a-51.html</a>

Sigh. I hate to say it, but that sums up the cliche of top 4 teams. We play well and fail to win; they play poorly but find a way to score.

Genuinely depressed, I think I'll start in the drink again now.
One word. The Scum. They do that. They might even slip out of the top 4 of their current run and we'll be waiting.

1 word??? Idiots
I love there scattergun approach to insulting other teams.

Laughing at us for having a Mancini out thread, then saying Mancini is shit.
Ranking clubs based on history, but Chelsea's recent history doesn't count of course.
Not at all getting the tongue in cheek comment that "we hate Spurs because they're always in the way"

It's tremendous stuff, really. Can we recruit some of them and highlight the usernames in a fluorescent colour so I don't miss any posts?
Rubyappeal said:
LongsightM13 said:
Like any club, City included, Spurs have their decent fans and their bell ends.
Big Gay Justin from their forum last year was a classic comedy cockernee tool, but marcspurs who sometimes posts on here seems like a decent lad and posted good advice on Wembley routes when the M1 thing happened.
I would say, though, that when northerners think of a stereotypical smug, flash, loud, brash Londoner, all Frank Butcher Argos gold bracelets and garish shirts, this does seem to correspond more with Spurs fans than the proper respected working class fans like West Ham or QPR, or the pretentious Islington-type Arses, the Happy Shopper home counties hard men of Chavski or the teachers and social workers at Fulham.
Ridiculous stereotypes I know, but that's how I've always weighed it up.

Bang on the money fella.

They've won less top league titles than Sunderland,achieved next to nothing in Europe for such a "huge club" and yet the way they seem to perceive themselves as some kind of "Real Madrid of London" is just laughable.
And in my experiece,whenever I've met them on holiday and got chatting football,without fail it's always delivered with a patronising arrogance and aloofness that you just don't seem to get with fans of other London clubs.
They seem to have an in-built superiority complex and seem utterly deluded as to their place in the grand scheme of things...and a little bit like the blue dippers,thier "glorious history" is far more important and worth knowing about than yours.
Add to that the London media's obsession with turning renta a quote 'Arry-a man who has achieved virtually nothing of real note in a 30 year managerial career,a man who thinks tac-tics are a brand of mints-and sporting one trophy to his name-into some kind of English footballing "messiah"... and it's no wonder that the likes of us are sick and tired of listening about how spuds win the FA cup with the "year ending in a one," how they have "a million fans on the waiting list" and endless re-runs of Ricky Villa.....beating them to the CL would feel almost as good as knocking out the rags.

Lets not forget City have only won 2 titles ourselves and Spurs have won more cups and more european trophies. Im not saying there a bigger club because of it but we can't really have a go at what success they have had when its more than our own. I hate going to White Hart Lane by far the worst away day there is in London. Upton Park is my favourite, great fans with a cracking sense of humour much like our own.
shawgorbie said:
grandsolo said:
worst song ever,embarrassing.Worse than some of the lower league's tripe.Maybe they've been eating to much of it.

oh when the song
is fucking slow
oh when the song is fucking slow
i wanna pull my own teeth out
oh when the song is fucking slow

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