SSN & City

Didsbury Dave said:
All clubs get good and bad refereeing.

There is no conspiricy against us.

but if we get walton for the liverpool home game again it will be the 3rd time on the trot & it will stink. some of his decisions in the last two beggared belief.
SteSteez said:
you actually watch SSN?

This baffles me... it only broadcasts stuff it has an interest in itself, regularly ignoring sports it has no coverage in.
They are biased, but they are out to make money.
a big portion of their subscribers are Rag lovers, they have to feed these fans with some positive news so any swipe at us is good for the rag lovers.

it is no coincidence that the whole Pr campaign for skysports this summer revolves around Eric Cantona, encouraging rag lovers to re-subscribe and ditch their regular stool in the pub.

Will we replace the rags on SS? maybe, with success comes bandwaggoners and if say we start winning everything all the time, in 10yrs time SSN will be full of PR campaign drivel thats usually seen on official club sites continuously on-loop on Murdoch's Machine

As it's the only 24 hour sports news programme in the UK, I presume most people on here watch it, I may be wrong. For me, it's background noise thats on when I'm getting ready for work or taking a dump. As fairly street wise City fans, I think we all we understand the Murdoch spinning machine.

It still pisses me off when the slag off my club though..
i take it Sky doesnt have a stake in City anymore? ....... Murdoch's Bitter must be on the shelves again.
Dodge said:
I've never really subscribed to the conspiracy theories that regularly get aired on this forum. I've always found SSN slightly too all-American showbiz, grand-slam Sunday over-hype, but I always thought we got our fair share of the limelight & probably as higher profile as the "big 4".

Then, this morning I compared the reporting of last nights American defeats suffered by us and the Rags. Both the same scoreline, both against MLS teams and both meaningless pre-season PR run-outs.

"City, with a team including Adebayor, Jo (dont make me laugh) & Wayne Bridge (reserve left back) suffered an embarrassing defeat to NYRB".."will Mancini need to get his cheque book out again"..."slumped to their second defeat on the bounce"

No mention of who was missing, no mention of no new signings playing, no mention of a starting 11 made up of fringe & academy players!

They didn't feel the need to mention who was in the starting 11 for the Rags. No snide mentions of "United, with a team including Nani, Scholes, Giggs, Berbaflop, Evans, Gibson et al", they were just unlucky (against 10 men)!

So, in conclusion, you're all correct..

..bunch of Rag loving, anti-City tossers who I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.

Thank you.

Like on the Talk Sport thread, where I stated I only listen to Sports Bar on a Sunday night because they are balanced and pretty pro-City actually; I've decided to only watch SSN on the hour to catch the headlines now. They, like many of the idiots on Talk Sport, hype up this ridiculous OTT fervour about City which - and this is very sad - brainwashes the impressionable public into hating us and thinking we're bad for football! It may only be little things like you stated, but there are three little things every single day slipped in there by the Rag/L'pool/Spurs producers who work down there, build up to a big thing overall!

And look at the public - they all hate us!
And we're the ones with the inferiority complex?

You get more coverage than any team in the country other than United.
Has merson or gray not had their say about our recent signings yet?They usually do.From gray saying "Can't keep em all happy" to fatboy merson saying something like "David Silva,,,nah,not for me,not for me."
Didsbury Dave said:
The media sensationalise stories. That's what they do.

City spending hundreds of millions and underachieveing is newsworthy.

My instincts tell me there is much more of this to come.

The only way to stop is to win games.
This all day long. Also, SSN have a bit of an agenda against foreign managers/coaches. Even Wenger, with his accomplishments with minimal outlay (compared to others) gets a fucking slating. You will absolutely never, ever hear a bad word about Ferguson or 'Arry.

We need to have a magnificent start to the season for us to get any fair press. However, like you I think we've a lot more of this to come, especially if we sign more players.
rassclot said:
Didsbury Dave said:
All clubs get good and bad refereeing.

There is no conspiricy against us.

but if we get walton for the liverpool home game again it will be the 3rd time on the trot & it will stink. some of his decisions in the last two beggared belief.
And why are the games against our bogey teams always on sky,year after year.
Techno said:
Mike Wedderburn is openly supportive of City and normally gets something positive in during the paper review, having said that, I've not noticed him being on in the morning recently..........

Hasnt he left/been moved on from SSN?
(shame, as he's the only blue on there)

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