SSN pundits...booooooooooooooo..!!

BWFC tid said:
BlueSinclair said:
Whyyy do we care what people like that predict? It doesn't mean a god damn thing. This may sound harsh but grow up and don't take any notice. They have a right to their opinion, and I don't think we'll make top 4 either.

You may be right, Mancini has always been a defensive minded manager, and City may play a whole season of one nils and draws, but one thing he will guarantee is stability.

The problem is, all you lot and the owners in Arab-land, you all want instant success, and it aint gonna happen, because Chelsea, Man U and Arsenal have well established squads and players who have been together for years, and they will beat you home and away. You have to wake up get real, or you'll be without a manager by xmas. You guys will be the downfall of this team by creating pressure where patience is needed.


A season of 1-0's. Not a chance, not a chance if last year is anything to go by. I don't think we had one 1-0 under Mancini! Not that I'd complain, but there's a hell of a goal threat in this team.

He hasn't always been a defensively minded manager. It's just a rep that's got out of hand since he arrived in the UK. The Italians repeatedly criticised him for concentrating on attack, from his first job with Fiorentina, until one day at Inter he decided the only way he could guarantee winning the Scudetto for was by turning 2-2s into 1-0's. Still, he was not nearly as defensively minded as Mourinho was at Chelsea, that's for sure.

I certainly agree about Chelsea and Utd having the advantage of shared experience of winning together. But it's wrong to think we all demand instant success. Most are just filled with hope and optimism. That's something else entirely. What happens when that hope is tested? We'll see.

And I hope, I pray to god that, as they stuck with Hughes throughout a horrific patch in his first 6 months, they will show Mancini, their guy, every bit as much support, if not a lot more. I think the flak they took went down very badly. They won't invite it upon themselves again without a seriously good reason. Having said that, the desire for 'instant success' is real, but it's based in the pressure of the impending Financial Fair Play rules, rather than any inherent impatience on their part. Anyway, don't pretend to know what their bottom line is.

It's a bit of a misconception to think Hughes was sacked because of the results. Admittedly, one they fostered by talking of the 'trajectory', but at the same time the message was sent out, it was the direction of the club that concerned them, and Hughes' refusal to publicly accept a new target of 4th. City realised Liverpool were in big trouble, and wanted to pile the pressure on as quickly as possible, but Hughes was seemingly not willing to take that on himself. Added to which, he had a blueprint in mind (premiership proven class to bring instant results) that, together with his tactical ability, and his responsibility with the money (RSC & Lescott having been bought for 40m despite serious, ongoing fitness problems) they no-longer believed in. And whilst I can't prove it, I think a major factor was that there was a struggle going on behind the scenes over certain issues, Hughes was digging in deeper, putting himself at odds with other figures at the club, and it was in danger of getting out of hand.

Good luck at Bolton. You used to be so easy to hate. Owen Coyle has ruined everything.
BlueSinclair said:
and I don't think we'll make top 4 either.

Yeah, we only came fifth last year and have since added five or six world class players whilst for the second season running the others are going backwards or standing still. Why would I ever think we might be better off at the end of this season than we were at the end of last. Of course we'll make top four, you wummer, you. You are either a rag or a lickle citeh merchant.
BWFC tid said:
BlueSinclair said:
Whyyy do we care what people like that predict? It doesn't mean a god damn thing. This may sound harsh but grow up and don't take any notice. They have a right to their opinion, and I don't think we'll make top 4 either.

You may be right, Mancini has always been a defensive minded manager, and City may play a whole season of one nils and draws, but one thing he will guarantee is stability.

The problem is, all you lot and the owners in Arab-land, you all want instant success, and it aint gonna happen, because Chelsea, Man U and Arsenal have well established squads and players who have been together for years, and they will beat you home and away. You have to wake up get real, or you'll be without a manager by xmas. You guys will be the downfall of this team by creating pressure where patience is needed.

I think you will find we beat Chelsea home and away last season
Ric said:
Hadn't seen that on SSN, but their pundits are generally idiots who I pay no attention to.

More depressingly, though, a lot of City fans seem to have become monumental mard arses who kick and scream if anyone dares suggest we won't dominate world football.

Mark Lawrenson predicts a defeat at White Hart Lane (as indeed I do) and he's biased and bitter. Same with Tony Cascarino. I didn't realise we were now so sensitive that anyone who doesn't predict greatness for our team are reprehensible scum.

I think we need to show some more balls, and relish the adversity. Seems endemic of a new generation of blues. Man up, for fuck's sake.

Just pisses me off Ric tbh...they shout and scream saying that we are the ruination of football by spending huge amounts of money on great players,then proceed to ignore us and give us no hope of winning owt. ??

So why scream and shout in the first place if we are not a threat ?? thats what im getting at tbh.. double standards..

Plus it all makes for a good debate and allows us to vent off a little steam...

maybe ur getting old..;)
BWFC tid said:
BlueSinclair said:
Whyyy do we care what people like that predict? It doesn't mean a god damn thing. This may sound harsh but grow up and don't take any notice. They have a right to their opinion, and I don't think we'll make top 4 either.

You may be right, Mancini has always been a defensive minded manager, and City may play a whole season of one nils and draws, but one thing he will guarantee is stability.

The problem is, all you lot and the owners in Arab-land, you all want instant success, and it aint gonna happen, because Chelsea, Man U and Arsenal have well established squads and players who have been together for years, and they will beat you home and away. You have to wake up get real, or you'll be without a manager by xmas. You guys will be the downfall of this team by creating pressure where patience is needed.

Thank you for tarnishing all our fans with a brush a few of us use, many don't demand instant success, as seen by opinion thread, and by the fact we're all still here and haven't thrown our toys out the pram after 2 years of not making it where we'd like to be says it all. Last season we did the double over Chelsea, beat Arsenal at home and drew both games with Liverpool and Arsenal away. We also only lost 2 derbies in the last 10 seconds, so really a W3 D3 L2 in top 4 clashes, which is 12 points against the top 4, was very good. Of course we are more expectant because we have spent more money, but who wouldn't be, especially with the calibre of player we've brought in. Mancini will not be out by xmas, we probably won't hit the ground running like last year but we will not be drawing 10 games in a row like last time. Some idiots will expect us to win everything, but that's just their nature, I reckon if I did a poll on site or at Coms most fans would take 4th place and a cup win this season, and to be honest seeing how close we were last season, how much we've strengthened and the fact Pompy, Fulham and Villa made the finals of the cups we're in this season, I don't see why it is arrogant or unrealistic to want to win one of them, we're not one of the favourites for nothing.

Good luck for your season, although a lot don't I actually like Bolton(I'm assuming that's what BWFC means) and I hope and believe you'll stay up. You just have to accept we're not the same "ickle city" we were a couple of years ago and that we as a club our developing at a far greater pace than any other in history and somewhere in their the fans have to adapt to it too. That's why there's such big differences between us, and why sometimes a group of us come across as creating pressure and being too demanding, because ultimately we all want it to work and be successful, we just have our own ways of showing it.
Ric said:
Hadn't seen that on SSN, but their pundits are generally idiots who I pay no attention to.

More depressingly, though, a lot of City fans seem to have become monumental mard arses who kick and scream if anyone dares suggest we won't dominate world football.

Mark Lawrenson predicts a defeat at White Hart Lane (as indeed I do) and he's biased and bitter. Same with Tony Cascarino. I didn't realise we were now so sensitive that anyone who doesn't predict greatness for our team are reprehensible scum.

I think we need to show some more balls, and relish the adversity. Seems endemic of a new generation of blues. Man up, for fuck's sake.

TBF we have done the talk now it is time to do the walk, for those interested in pundits views and I am not one of them the only way we will shut the fuckers up is to achieve sucess on the pitch. If we win prem, if we win Europa League, or FA or CC cup then and only then will they see that we mean business. Todays result in some respects does not matter, we can lose all games against top four the league positions at the end of the season boil down to how we do against the other not so glamourous games in prem ie away at Stoke in the midddle of winter.
I'll start getting worried when the clueless fuckers start tipping us for success.
BWFC tid said:
BlueSinclair said:
Whyyy do we care what people like that predict? It doesn't mean a god damn thing. This may sound harsh but grow up and don't take any notice. They have a right to their opinion, and I don't think we'll make top 4 either.

You may be right, Mancini has always been a defensive minded manager, and City may play a whole season of one nils and draws, but one thing he will guarantee is stability.

The problem is, all you lot and the owners in Arab-land, you all want instant success, and it aint gonna happen, because Chelsea, Man U and Arsenal have well established squads and players who have been together for years, and they will beat you home and away. You have to wake up get real, or you'll be without a manager by xmas. You guys will be the downfall of this team by creating pressure where patience is needed.

If memory serves me We took 10 points from a possible 18 with an inferior squad in those games you mentioned last season,aswell as beating Arsenal and the rags in the CC.
And so far as us being the "downfall" of the team-thats rich from a fan of a team whos fans moaned non-stop about Megson from the moment fat sam left for a bigger club!
Not so great at backing up your preaching are you mate?
Ric said:
Chick Counterfly said:
I agree that we would do well to desentisize ourselves to the media, but (speaking generally), I struggle to empathise with City fans who confidently predict losses in games which are just too close to call with any certainty whatsoever. Maybe it's just me, but it always strikes me as pessimism, rather than some sort of endearing humility.

I'm not confidently predicting defeat. The beauty of football is that anything can happen, and a win certainly isn't implausible. It's just my belief that we won't win. I will be delighted if I'm proved wrong.

wrong...we drew ;)

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