Stadium Expansion (Confirmed)

One of the great things about standing supporters was the fact that you could just move away if you stood next to some moaning git. Now however, you just have to endure them and there seems to be plenty about judging from the comments on here.
penalty spot said:
One of the great things about standing supporters was the fact that you could just move away if you stood next to some moaning git. Now however, you just have to endure them and there seems to be plenty about judging from the comments on here.
bit like being on Bluemoon
jrb said:
Shaelumstash said:
jrb said:
Wrongly or rightly I thought the exercise/plan was to attract missing City fans back, and then to fill the stadium.(the ultimate investment/business plan)

I didn't think it was to move current season ticket holders to cheaper seats *first*.

Even if you restricted current season ticket holders to second in the queue, they will still renew their season tickets.

Restrict new and old City fans who want to come back to second in the queue, and they may not come back.

Hence get the new and old fans back in first, see what's left over, and then offer it to existing season ticket holders.

From a personal point of view I won't move. I'm happy where I am, and I'm happy to pay what I pay.

Very short sighted of you. I'm sure there are loads of existing season ticket holders who would like to but the cheaper seats in the new stand. You are suggesting they should be penalised in favour of fans who do not currently attend? It's not good business practice if you are trying to encourage customer (supporter) loyalty to offer a better deal to a new customer than to an existing and loyal one.

The idea that existing SC holders can put down deposits for themselves, and their mates who may want to return is a fantastic idea as it doesn't penalise existing SC holders, while still encouraging new / returning fans the chance to get an affordable ticket.

Also you have to bear in mind, it's unlikely a returning fan who has been priced out up to now will want to sit on his own! It's very likely he (or she) has mates that are already SC holders. Giving them the chance to get cheap seats together in the South Stand is surely going to act as a further incentive to come back.

I'm sure City have also taken in to account which seats would be easier to sell to the occasional fan. I would guess the type of non hardcore than that can only make a few games a season would much rather buy the occasional ticket in the Colin Bell stand than the South Stand.

Hundreds of fans on here have also expressed their admiration for The Wall at Dortmund and the great atmosphere created by a huge stand behind the goal of hardcore fans. By giving existing SC the chance to buy the cheaper £299 tickets, it goes some way to ensuring the fans in the South Stand remain a passionate hard core who want to sing and create atmosphere, as opposed to the occasional day tripper / new fan who has only recently taken an interest in the club.

Not at all.

I'm not taking sides.

To me it's not about us and them. It's about getting missing City fans back.(into the ground) And by getting them back via the incentive of a cheap season ticket.

As it stands they don't have a season ticket unlike me and you.(?) In a nutshell they can't get one. So they either have to buy a match ticket or miss out.

Yes we pay for the privilege, but at least we get to watch the matches. They can't or can't afford too.(in some cases)

All I'm saying is give new and old fans the chance to buy the cheaper season tickets first. If they sell out or not, existing season ticket holders will still renew their season tickets. They won't bother, they'll just do it.

As long as I've been on here the general consensus is that City need to get missing City fans back, via an expanded stadium, and via cheaper tickets. Now it's happening, why are the club moving the goal posts by offering the cheap season tickets to current season ticket holders first? How is that going to attract those missing fans back? Will they want to buy the more expensive and vacated seats/season tickets? I don't think so.

"Hi, I'd like to buy a £299 season ticket."

"Sorry, the majority have been sold to existing season ticket holders relocating."

"The rest have now sold out."

"OK, what's left?"

"The seats that have been vacated or more expensive seats."

"No thanks."


Or alternatively:

"Hi, I've been a ST holder for 40 years and have made financial sacrifices to support the club I love and grew up with."

"How can we help you?"

"Times are tough, I'm interested in relocating to one of the cheaper seats you've been advertising"

"Sorry, we're keeping those for people who've not been to a match for 10 years"

"Oh. So what can I do?"

"Carry on paying up or sod off"

Extreme perhaps, but I can see both sides of the argument. We'll have to wait and see won't we? Whatever happens, there'll be winners and losers. But that's life innit?
Why Always Ste said:
How Ironic.... about 20 posts of people moaning about the moaners.

I welcome expanding the stadium, it makes perfect business sense for this business sorry I meant "our" club.
However as a Customer I've seen my SC rise (109) from £500 to £740 which resulted in me relocating to 111 this season (aswell as having Showsec down my neck)
And although my SC this season at £580 is reasonable, I can only see this increasing.

The £299 SC just seems like a clever PR exercise when I started to do the Math and look at numbers (guestimate) of how Many potentially will be at this price.

I am not moaning, I just feel as a business it makes perfect sense to have fans like myself away from the stadium whilst Tourists fly into Manchester with Etihad and stay overnight at the Malmaison (or new hotel built on the Campus) whilst spending their cash in the clubstore and at Citysquare.

The best seats for the best customers.
Something I have to accept and move on as I'm not prepared to sit in a stadium paying for the privilege sat amongst Tourists types with Middle-class families with no Atmosphere.

If you are happy with this then fair enough. Enjoy your time there.
I just wanted an area for Singers to improve atmosphere and keep a more traditional football environment.

It seems the club are chasing the £££ more but they are just doing their job as a business.

I think you are spot on.

For all the hype about 'opportunities like this only happen once in a bluemoon', I fear our club may have missed the opportunity of a lifetime!
I cannot imagine there are many fans who would welcome any more price increases, we have had a good few recently, so the natural way for the club to increase turnover is to build the stadium up. Another 13000 seats, with additional corporate, plus all the money they will spend can only help ease the strain.

A long term view is required, we have no history of getting regular 60000 crowds, but then we have mainly been poor, a sensible pricing policy and a great team will only help the club to grow, but raise prices much more, then the seats will be pointless, see munich ticket sales for proof.
Why Always Ste said:
How Ironic.... about 20 posts of people moaning about the moaners.

I welcome expanding the stadium, it makes perfect business sense for this business sorry I meant "our" club.
However as a Customer I've seen my SC rise (109) from £500 to £740 which resulted in me relocating to 111 this season (aswell as having Showsec down my neck)
And although my SC this season at £580 is reasonable, I can only see this increasing.

The £299 SC just seems like a clever PR exercise when I started to do the Math and look at numbers (guestimate) of how Many potentially will be at this price.

I am not moaning, I just feel as a business it makes perfect sense to have fans like myself away from the stadium whilst Tourists fly into Manchester with Etihad and stay overnight at the Malmaison (or new hotel built on the Campus) whilst spending their cash in the clubstore and at Citysquare.

The best seats for the best customers.
Something I have to accept and move on as I'm not prepared to sit in a stadium paying for the privilege sat amongst Tourists types with Middle-class families with no Atmosphere.

If you are happy with this then fair enough. Enjoy your time there.
I just wanted an area for Singers to improve atmosphere and keep a more traditional football environment.

It seems the club are chasing the £££ more but they are just doing their job as a business.
I wondered how long it would be before the 'M' word was used.
Re: Stadium Expansion excitement!

DiscoSteve said:
Bluemoon230989 said:
lancs blue said:
I received one of those 16.10 e-mails too. Can't recall what answers I gave re the survey but I assume there'll be a follow-up e-mail with details.[/qu

Apologies if it's been answered elsewhere, but where in the ground are the seats for those who've received the 16.10 e-mails?

That'd be interesting to know?
Well my email came to the email address associated with my Blue Membership NOT the one associated with my Season Ticket - if that makes sense - even though my Season Ticket is right in the 'to be upgraded to hospitality' zone...

Yeah, thanks Steve, so it's Blue Members, not ST holders that have received them.

Sorry if I'm a bit dense.
Why Always Ste said:
I received one to my SC email address

Mine was to my season card address.

I know that a few people are complaining/moaning whatever but we cannot complain that the club are just sitting back and resting on their laurels. They are expanding the stadium, they are trying to look after existing fans whilst encouraging new ones. Manchester City is the name of our team but, at the end of the day, they are also a company who need to make money, like any company, and to do that they need to expand.

So to expand means they have to encourage new business whilst keeping the core of our club. To keep the core they have sent out surveys, they have consulted with fans, they have done everything they can. There is no way every single solitary 70,000 and more fans can have everything they have asked for in the surveys. For example, I love where I sit on the front row of the CB L1 but I would also like a padded seat (I'm getting older remember!!) they are not going to put a padded seat where the rain can destroy it so I have to either move or accept that. I accept that because I am only one person and I do not expect the club to run just for my convenience. Plus rain is part of a football match experience to me. :-)

The club are trying to encourage new people, let's face it many of you have said in umpteen threads that we have a prepondarance of older supporters and by the very nature of age we will either get too old to attend the matches or, the ultimate, we will die off. So it's time for the youngsters to be encouraged. And families as well. When I was a kid my Dad would no more have thought of taking me to a football match than flying to the moon. I was a girl after all and the fact that I was a better footballer than any of my brothers didn't enter into it. Today we encourage families and that is great.

So please, give the Club Management credit for trying and get behind them. :-)

As always, JMHO.
mostonbluemark said:
flipmode said:
This shit escalated quickly, didn't it?
It seems all the lunatics escaped from the asylum at the same time. City announce a stadium expansion to c61500 with some cheap tickets available for £299 and on come the moaners. Its beyond me.

For those of us that have given up due to the rising costs the thought of seasoncards at a reasonable £299 sounds great to get us back.

However it now looks like only about 75% of the new 3rd tier seats will be £299 and it's likely that the majority will be taken by existing seasoncard holders relocating due to the high prices in other areas of the ground. Asking for £100 to be on the waiting list is a piss take, so they can stick it

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