Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Familiarity breeds contempt. A new SW fillum every 10 months is going to ruin it.

TFA and R1 are good, but they are merely rehashes of what went before.
I agree they shouldn't continue on a 12 month cycle. One every 3 years would be fine as long as they deliver on each one. Fingers crossed this film goes away from the familiar plot points.
I think he got in as a bonus for killing Pope Benedict in episode VI.

Which he should have lost for his shite NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOs. A couple of things, in the digital remakes, young Anakin Hayden Christianson is now in the identity parade at the end of ROTJ, but its still Alec Guinness and not McGregor, what the fuck is that all about, it grinds my gears, they should all be the verison when they died or a young version. Also Qui Gon Jinn doesnt get in the identity parade at the end of ROTJ either, are we meant to presume he is off trying to find his daughter?
He wasnt in the last one I saw, but Hayden Where'syourcareergone was. Mind you Lucas has remastered it that many times he might be in it now.

Just 3 in this version, they also got rid of yub nub. I liked yub nub.

Was never too keen on the Ewoks, always thought it was a shame they didn't get slaughtered. If they were going to put anyone into that scene it should have been Jar-Jar, just to watch the offence it would cause.

Was never too keen on the Ewoks, always thought it was a shame they didn't get slaughtered. If they were going to put anyone into that scene it should have been Jar-Jar, just to watch the offence it would cause.


My mate doesnt like dwarfs, they freak him out, he has a phobia of them, quite funny when he encounters one in real life. I ruined ROTJ for him by pointing out the funny way the Ewoks waddled, they must be little fellas in there. He wasnt happy with this knowledge and firmly roots for the Empire in their slaughter.

Yub Nub

Just announced new name.

What could this mean ?!?!

Weird that the title is in red also..

If the title is in red, I suspect that means it's about a bunch of twats who enjoy dominance and think the universe revolves around them, but at the first sign of things going wrong they claim to prefer watching "FC united of Tattooine" instead.

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