Stay behind after the game and show your support

I stayed and watched the players stroll around the pitch chatting amongst themselves, paying no attention to the fans they were meant to be appreciating.
I even noticed a couple of Norwich fans hang back and clap our team -and fair play to the rest of them a lot applauded Joe when he got his award before the game.
Shame some of the so called "Blues" sat near me couldnt even wait till 85 mins before leaving moaning and swearing.
Some people have really short memories
C1ETY said:
I even noticed a couple of Norwich fans hang back and clap our team -and fair play to the rest of them a lot applauded Joe when he got his award before the game.
Shame some of the so called "Blues" sat near me couldnt even wait till 85 mins before leaving moaning and swearing.
Some people have really short memories

And some people get paid absolute fortunes !!.
Hope the mess gets cleared up in the coming weeks.
mammutly said:
I stayed and watched the players stroll around the pitch chatting amongst themselves, paying no attention to the fans they were meant to be appreciating.

The players have asked the board to replace the fans or they will leave.
Must admit it was a bit of a damp squib and they could have done it without going off and coming back on again.the long delay sorely tested my patience.I only just maintained my top blue status as was almost ready for walking waiting for them to return.the players seem to want it all their own way these wonder Mancini is not seen as a great man manager as I think their whims and fancies would get on my tits lad has played mon,tues thurs,trained sat,played sun in final and has games on mon and we'd but not made excuses.I've signed up for one more year but if the players don't start pulling their finger out I may have to reconsider future renewals.
mammutly said:
I stayed and watched the players stroll around the pitch chatting amongst themselves, paying no attention to the fans they were meant to be appreciating.

Took them an age to come back out and sadly, they couldn't even pretend to be arsed...wish I'd have left on the final has given me plenty to think about.
Stortz said:
mancitypj said:
I stayed and wished I hadn't. They all looked as miserable as sin. Something very wrong.
It is worrying, just what the hells goin on at the minute?

Twattiness is going on, and piss taking. I would prefer to have lost any one of them than lose Mancini, including Kompany. That's just the way it is.

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