Sterling’s contract - three year extension confirmed

We wouldn't do that, certainly not at this stage. Madrid might actually want Raheem, so they are hardly going to tip their hand by admitting it either way.

A few people suggested at the start of the year that this was all bollocks but Aidy Ward was briefing interest from Spain back in early February.

I still think we will blink first, based on his age, what it will cost to replace him in the inflated market, and him being a home-based player.

If Raheem is dead-set on leaving, then the above won't matter for anything, we will sell next summer and wipe our eye.

If Real Madrid are actually interested, then it's not a stretch to imagine Ward and Raheem know they are asking for unrealistic terms, as he would certainly have his head turned.
Do you think the rumours have come from Ward trying to get City to blink first
It wasn't what Milner did that pissed me off, it was the way it was reported in contrast to how the Sterling deal was reported but we're getting into agenda territory there so probably best left alone ;)
All you should do, ad I’m sure Raheem does, is look at his haul since he joined compared to Milners since he left. It’ll ease the fury ;-)
He's one of those players that i'd be more than happy for him to stay at City but wouldn't be too gutted if he forced a move.
He's been very good for us but as others have said, his finishing has never filled me with confidence
It would be great if Raheem stays and, unlike the scousers, I'm sure most City fans wouldnt throw a tantrum if he went to Madrid. One of the great things about our club these days is that we are powerful enough to say to players: "If you don't want to play for us...goodbye." We did it with Sanchez and that turned out well. I trust Pep totally on these sort of things. Perhaps we brought Mahrez in just in case.
better all round for Raheem if he stayed, bad career move but good for the bank balance if he went to Real.

I think the agent wants more money out of city so he is pushing the Real talk to make city panic which will not work.

True Real are desperate for a name signing but really don't thing Raheem fits the bill at all.

who would you have in your team Bale or Raheem ?

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