Sterling or yaya against madrid?

How do we think pellers will play it? Try and keep it tight and contain them for an hr or so to see if they panic, or just play our normal game and try and score more than them? I know most will probably say the latter, but there is a huge incentive not to lose this one and he may try something different. I raise this here in this thread as it may decide whether Raheem or Yaya (or both) get the gig.
No, I meant Kolorov in front of Clichy
I think there is a bit to be said for this. More robust defensively than Sterling, yet still carries a threat going forwards or from free kicks. Offers better control in midfield.

Then sub Sterling or Kelechi in with 20 to go.

Initially seems a bit 'out of left field' but on analysis has a bit going for it. Yes, would need work rate.
If Sterling starts Sunday,& plays well. start Wednesday run their defence ragged,Then depending what the score is 0=1 1=0 Bring Yaya on at 60/70mins
Oops. Alright. Different positions then. Don't like Kolarov personally, but I think he has that arrogance and self belief that many a better player don't have.

I don't like him either (as a defender), but he does have an attacking threat and self belief as you suggest. I threw it out there as an option, but I would be hugely surprised if we saw this next week

Yaya for the possession but would have them operate so De Bruyne would remain central-ish and Fernandinho would cover the left side of the pitch.

No point having Sterling on the pitch for 'counter attacks' if we have nobody to starts those counter attacks, or keep hold of the ball. We need Yaya to do what Kroos does, keep the ball and keep things ticking over.

That's the one.

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