"Many people who will express revulsion at that racist football fan video are just as unpleasant in far subtler and more dangerous ways. Extreme, overt, drunken racism by fans is only the symptom of attitudes that may be more commonplace that people would like to admit. The outraged condemnation of drunken racist football fans, without further examination of the underlying issues, is nothing but cathartic. The average racist these days is far, far smarter than a football fan on an away day who gets hammered and abuses a random black person. The drunken racist football fan on the evening train is the least dangerous racist of all since you know exactly where you stand with them. The most dangerous racists of all are those who will keep you conveniently at arm's length for years. They are the ones I worry about. As someone who has experienced both verbal and physical racist abuse on the street, I am not belittling what happened tonight. I am merely saying: let us be clear. Racism does not simply arise from nowhere. It is mould that has been allowed to fester too long. So no, I'm not going to get on my high horse about the drunken racist fans, and I would advise you to be very very wary of anyone who does."