Sterling - The Sun

Last night furious England fans called for Sterling to be dropped from the England team as it emerged he has already left the country for a sunshine break.

Nick Kay, 32, of Stockport, Cheshire, said: “This just proves what everyone thinks -- that these guys care more about how much money they have in the bank than how England does.

“They should rename the national team Bling-erland. Any normal person would hang their heads in shame after how they performed in France but these guys come home and show off about how rich they are.”

Why were people who buy this piece of shit rag allowed to vote?
Just seen that apparently its a house just outside of London that he bought for his mum.

If what MEN reports is true, albeit visa friend of Sterling, I withdraw stating Sterling was not very clever to let someone film his house and put it on social media.

And I hope his lawyers put The Sun in their place with a public apology and a huge fine.Also I'd like the club to ban anyone from The Sun from whatever is happening within.
He's young and rich and the fucking media hate him.
So he spends some of his money on tacky crap, but isn't that his prerogative?
He had a poorish tournament but no way on earth was he as bad as Kane, who gets away scot free from criticism because he plays for spuds.
Wonder if City will start banning these cunts from our ground and give all the news to papers who are more fairer to us.
The Sun isn't worthy of being chip wrapping.
I just did. Nobody in this thread is having a go at Raheem at all, in fact it is very supportive

He hasn't done himself any favours to be honest, but he's still the scapegoat I see.

Who is advising this fucking clown, he can't keep himself quiet for one fucking minute, talk about Lyeing low or bringing things on yourself what does he do.

Should of kept a very low profile until the new season. Head down grafting like mad so stupidity on his part but front page news is beyond laughable, that's the sun for you though

So far everybody has condemned The Sun. But imo it's fair to say the boy isn't very cleverly handling his life as a well-known pro.

Don't talk sense mate As a story and a front page story absolutely and you are ignoring people condemning the sun for it. What is poor is that you cant recognise his stupidity in this also. Lescott and his car picture this season springs to mind.

Here are just a few
Last night furious England fans called for Sterling to be dropped from the England team as it emerged he has already left the country for a sunshine break.

Nick Kay, 32, of Stockport, Cheshire, said: “This just proves what everyone thinks -- that these guys care more about how much money they have in the bank than how England does.

“They should rename the national team Bling-erland. Any normal person would hang their heads in shame after how they performed in France but these guys come home and show off about how rich they are.”

Why were people who buy this piece of shit rag allowed to vote?

Nick Kay of Stockport is the go to guy for quotes.....

"Season ticket holder Nick Kay, 30, of Stockport, said: “I guess it shows how much these yanks know about the history of the club. Those colours are the start of our history and we have worn them once in our history.”

Oh & this

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