Sterling - The Sun

I'm sure pep will put anyone asking him questions about him right,in that look at me when i'm talking to you way he did to some reporter last season
I'm sure pep will put anyone asking him questions about him right,in that look at me when i'm talking to you way he did to some reporter last season

That was Jamie Jackson if I'm not mistaken Karen. Should be interesting when they come face to not so much face again.
And you can guarantee what will happen to the next kid that wants to leave one of the entitled clubs for us in future if we're happy to just sit back and accept this treatment of one of our players now.

I went to a local pub to watch the WBA away match. The very first time in the first league match that RS got the ball, a plastic rag sat there and booed loudly - sitting on his own in an almost empty pub. So I shouted over to him and asked why he was booing. He told me quite brightly 'Cos it's Raheem Sterling innit?' So I simply asked WTF was it to do with him, adding an appropriate four letter word to finish. It shut him up but three goals from an immaculate City helped in that respect.

I never expected the booing to continue in the way it did all last season with even the media joining in. A player being called an idiot for visiting his mum and then going on holiday FFS!

I don't think constant unfairness and bullying are acceptable even in the football world of banter, so at the first opportunity next season I will get down to the Rookery Tavern to see if he is ok.

I will be going to Stoke away and so it might be the Derby match when I next meet my dear friend. That will add extra spice.
Come back what I said about it disappearing from the Mail website, they've put it in the front page! Think they've tweaked it a bit to make it slightly more vague, it stil implies it's his house because it doesn't say it's not or that it's his mums, or that he bought it for her. Best part of 1000 comments which I'm guessing (without reading them all) are pretty much all negative.
I really wish the club would ban the Sun completely from its premises. Not for a season, not for five years, but forever and a day.

It is the worst 'newspaper' in Britain, and that is saying something.
No just laid up for long periods so have the time to keep people up to date,a lot of us oldies don't do twitter and wait for it to be posted

Fair enough, you do a bloody good job of it too!

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