Sterling - The Sun

He hasn't helped himself, but it's clear as day he's become the current scapegoat for England's woes.
I don't think half the media are out to get him, I think half the media are sheep and just latch on to current trends and the current trend is 'Joe Hart's cocky' and 'Sterling is arrogant and useless'.
Conversely, anything coming out of Tottenham or Liverpool s the bright future of England - that's been the mantra for the past few years now.
It's not so much the pic that annoys me (it might make the lad choose his "friends" a bit more carefully in future though). Although I'm not sure what the paper expects a millionaire footballer to do; bathe in one of those old galvanised tin baths in front of the fire perhaps? It's the "England failure" bit, like he was the only one. It definitely smacks of a concerted campaign against a particular player, and it stinks.
People need to stop buying it, and stop visiting their website or providing links to it.
Until enough people do that, they'll carry on with click bait.
Jesus, this is incessant

That surely has to be grounds to sue? The article is nothing to do with Sterling but they used his fucking picture. Time for City to pull their finger out and get the lawyers involved.

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