Sterling - The Sun

Check out the next video after Sterlings. Its pretty disturbing but that woman is bad ass!! That'll teach her to mess around with her man.
Check out the next video after Sterlings. Its pretty disturbing but that woman is bad ass!! That'll teach her to mess around with her man.

I've not even watched the Sterling clip. I wouldn't want to give the cunts the clicks.
I really wish the club would ban the Sun completely from its premises. Not for a season, not for five years, but forever and a day.

It is the worst 'newspaper' in Britain, and that is saying something.

Should keep banning every reporter who has his name to an article that are detrimental to our club our one or our players, eventually these papers will run out of reporters to send.
He hasn't helped himself, but it's clear as day he's become the current scapegoat for England's woes.
I don't think half the media are out to get him, I think half the media are sheep and just latch on to current trends and the current trend is 'Joe Hart's cocky' and 'Sterling is arrogant and useless'.
Conversely, anything coming out of Tottenham or Liverpool s the bright future of England - that's been the mantra for the past few years now.
More damaging to the newspaper than it is to Sterling. 1.81 Million circulation as at May 2015. Annual decline of 13%.
If the house in that footage is indeed one Raheem bought for his mum, then I would hope the City media team would be prepared to exploit that fact for all its worth. Get a tame journo like Mullock involved, maybe persuade his mum to have a funny turn because of all the distress, with perhaps a visit from private paramedics paid for by the club thrown in, and certainly look at very expensive legal action (I remember Elton John taking the cunts for millions about 20 years ago and getting a full front page retraction). These fucking wankers have gone beyond the pale today, and the club needs to come out swinging
Should keep banning every reporter who has his name to an article that are detrimental to our club our one or our players, eventually these papers will run out of reporters to send.

I've not looked at the journo's names but I bet they're not football correspondents, in which case banning those responsible is a waste of time
The club has to ban any journalist from the newspaper
Criticising RS for showing off a house he bought for his mother, who brought him up as a single parent, I would suggest that's a lovely thing to do.
The fact that the paper publishing is the same one that lied about hillsborogh and tapped the phones of dead children, tells you all you need to know really.

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