Sterling - The Sun

Actually Rooney was on an $88 flight - coincidence, hmmmm.

He's on an €88,000 p/w yacht according to the Mail.

The tone is different though - it's not an article attacking him for it, just a normal celebrity gossip story. Can you imagine if Sterling had done the same?
Ah Moriarty. That explains who is behind this dastardly plot to destabilise City. Call for Holmes.
Not only Holmes' nemesis but also one of the Goons.

Remember Gordon Brown calling Rochdale pensioner Gillian Duffy 'a sort of bigoted woman'? Well guess who was, allegedly, the journalist offering to pay her to spice up her story and vocally back David Cameron. To her credit, she refused.
In fact yesterday at least in the evening the Sun had articles about Wayne R. criticising his holiday and his lifestyle whilst being captain of the disgraced England team so maybe they are quickly claiming RS not their only target.
The difference is of course the story about RS is factually incorrect at least regarding the venue of the video.
Ah but St Wayne of Croxteth took a cheap flight to his expensive hols. The City Cynic is me makes me think it was a pre arranged publicity stunt.
Wouldn't surprise me if they went back to first class after the selfies were done with. That said if I had his money you wouldn't catch me travelling with the great unwashed.

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