Sterling - The Sun

The assassination of Sterling this summer has been truly appalling.
Let's face facts ever since he joined us he's been labelled "everything what's wrong football" and it fucking stinks!
I can take the bitterness from Liverpool fans, after all he left them to join us because at City he had a better chance of winning titles, that must hurt....good!
Then you've got the booing from neutral "football" fans because, well they are all fucking idiots obviously.
The so called press in this country have been on the young lads back ever since he joined us, the telling point there being "young".
I honestly don't ever remember such a "young" footballer getting suck flack from so many different angles, for simply not living up to expectations.
He's not a mouthy dickhead, he comes across as a nice down to earth lad, flash? Maybe compared to me, but no flashier than 90% of footballers.
So it puzzles me to where the hate comes from, but "we" all know why don't we? It's City plan and simple.
Pep could not have come at a better time, he, we and more importantly Sterling will ram those words down their throats and I hope they all fucking choke.
So now it's up to me, you, Pep, his teammates and every single person associated with City to get behind this lad and show him the love and support he deserves.
fantastic article and I agree 100% I only wish sterling would come out and say it himself and tell it like it is as It seems no one from the club or the fa is interested in fighting his corner, hate to say it but the old piss can would have stamped this out by now, I don't feel ignoring the issue hoping it goes away is the way to deal with this problem we should start banning the fuckers from the ground.
That's a 10/10 article, shame it's only gonna get read by a small minority. That last line summed it up for me, people won't like to admit it but if Sterling was white he wouldn't have received half the shit he has. Sad thing is the cunts have destroyed him as a player, I don't think he'll ever recover from it doesn't seem like the mentally strong type.
The assassination of Sterling this summer has been truly appalling.
Let's face facts ever since he joined us he's been labelled "everything what's wrong football" and it fucking stinks!
I can take the bitterness from Liverpool fans, after all he left them to join us because at City he had a better chance of winning titles, that must hurt....good!
Then you've got the booing from neutral "football" fans because, well they are all fucking idiots obviously.
The so called press in this country have been on the young lads back ever since he joined us, the telling point there being "young".
I honestly don't ever remember such a "young" footballer getting suck flack from so many different angles, for simply not living up to expectations.
He's not a mouthy dickhead, he comes across as a nice down to earth lad, flash? Maybe compared to me, but no flashier than 90% of footballers.
So it puzzles me to where the hate comes from, but "we" all know why don't we? It's City plan and simple.
Pep could not have come at a better time, he, we and more importantly Sterling will ram those words down their throats and I hope they all fucking choke.
So now it's up to me, you, Pep, his teammates and every single person associated with City to get behind this lad and show him the love and support he deserves.
The booing and abuse by other fans shows how powerful the media is. They can make you believe ANYTHING they want, literally anything. These dickheads are just sheep.
That's a 10/10 article, shame it's only gonna get read by a small minority. That last line summed it up for me, people won't like to admit it but if Sterling wasn't white he wouldn't have received half the shit he has. Sad thing is the cunts have destroyed him as a player, I don't think he'll ever recover from it doesn't seem like the mentally strong type.

I can see where you're coming from on that as I've seen him seemingly wilt under pressure however he has to have some degree of mental toughness to have made it as a professional footballer considering his background.
I can see where you're coming from on that as I've seen him seemingly wilt under pressure however he has to have some degree of mental toughness to have made it as a professional footballer considering his background.
Agreed, but at his age this is the worst abuse I've ever seen any professional take. Every touch he takes it must all be repeating in his head.
Well Adebayor did do the whole running the length of the pitch thing, Balotelli never helped himself and Yaya's just plain lazy. I can't recall any of those being rounded on to this scale, it was the same with Joe Hart when Pellers dropped him to shut the media up. Hart's definitely not black.

I certainly don't think there's a conscious effort being made to abuse black players.

Plain lazy... What a load of nonsense
Well Adebayor did do the whole running the length of the pitch thing, Balotelli never helped himself and Yaya's just plain lazy. I can't recall any of those being rounded on to this scale, it was the same with Joe Hart when Pellers dropped him to shut the media up. Hart's definitely not black.

I certainly don't think there's a conscious effort being made to abuse black players.
Hart was not dropped to appease the media, it was done to give him a wake up call.
Open your eyes lad. Which City players have been the subject of the most stick from the media - Adebayor, Ballotelli, Yaya Toure and Sterling. Now apart from playing for us at some point, what have they got in common?

You could legitimately argue that the three players you mention got their share of grief because they were either complete knobbeads or too precious by half, PB.
However, in the case of this latest assault on Sterling you're right, race underpins the narrative absolutely. The two papers peddling this filth the hardest are the Sun and the Fail, both of whom have just campaigned vigorously for Brexit, both of whom have been running 'asylum seeker rape' stories for months, and both of whom are now looking for a diversionary target for their gormless right wing readerships to focus their hate on now that it's become clear the country's in a God awful mess (partly) as a result of their (the Sun & the Fail's) emotional provocation during the EU debate. What better scapegoat then than the not too savvy, but hugely wealthy, son of an immigrant? Representatives of The Sun should be banned from the Etihad sine die

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