stoke forum

anyone got an account on there put this idiot to bed

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... z16aYzzSEH</a>

I some how kind of doubt you are the true city. Since we are the second oldest club in the world Stoke CITY existed long before you.

Manchester City 1884
Stoke City 1928

They were called Stoke FC until 1928 when there shit hole some how was granted city status.
Go anywhere in the country and say you are a City fan and the vast majority of people will assume your a Manchester City fan Fans of the other clubs with City in their title will say that they are a Birmingham or Norwich or Stoke etc So there may be more than one City but we are, without a shadow of doubt, the most famous City. In fact Italian and Spanish media refer to us as The City bet they have never heard of Stoke City
malc'scigar said:
There is a post on there about a 50 year old blue getting his car smashed up and the passengers beat up.

Shithouse inbred *****

can u post a link were to find this or can anyone else
WNRH said:
anyone got an account on there put this idiot to bed

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... z16aYzzSEH</a>

I some how kind of doubt you are the true city. Since we are the second oldest club in the world Stoke CITY existed long before you.

Manchester City 1884
Stoke City 1928

They were called Stoke FC until 1928 when there shit hole some how was granted city status.

Loved that bit. Fools.
Blue Elmo said:
Stoke are a tiny little club with no ambition , they are happy being mid table and going nowhere . They hardly play any football , they hoof it long and get lucky half the time . Their manager is a bitter little man , who still holds a grudge against city . Stoke only pick up points because their fans get behind them and the only reason their fans get behind them is because they know their team are shit and need as much support as possible . Tbh when you play stoke , you dnt play the players you play their fans . Without them Stoke would be an even worse team . Wait til they come to our place and get absolutely smashed and they'll probs be hovering around mid table again come the end of the season . " You'll neverr win fuck all " is a bit rich coming from them a mid table team who will achieve nothing in football .
so you started supporting us what? 3 years ago
No different than some of the crap that I have read on here over the last few days and is probably on a par with what is on every other teams forum....
Prestwich_Blue said:
mcfc9 said:
can u post a link were to find this or can anyone else

All the Stoke fans were horrified by what happened.

Stoke CITY fan here.
Prestwich Blue, thanks for pointing that out.
As you can all see in the thread, none of us Stokies condone this mindless behaviour. A minority can lead to the majority getting tarred with the same brush.
Hope the guy & kids are okay.

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