"Stop the Boats"

Thanks for the info.
Roughly around he same number of people who live on my 3 street council estate.

Where are we putting them? Soon they will bring their relatives and have kids, cost ? ( a hell of a lot) and that is just one day!!
Do you realise migrants when allowed to work are net contributors to society. that means they pay more in tax than they they take out of services
I get stick on here for my views, but saying that I don’t blame trying to make a better life, I would do the same in their position!
If you debated your views from a factual rather than indoctrinated view you would get a lot more sympathy for your views.
We just have too many goody goodies
I take it you would prefer us to be hateful, that is not British, we are a warm compassionate country
( who will not have them stay with them)
I offered my spare room for Ukranian refugees, but it was not required.
we the tax payer will pick up the bills.
Surely then if refugees are allowed to work and pay taxes it will mean your contributions will be less as the ta paying base will have increased.
Just watched Simon Reeve on his tour of the Greek islands watched refugees coming ashore three dinghies arrived while he’s stood there men women and small children, 40 per boat 1 thousand pound each to cross over. People from Syria, Afghanistan all over the middle east and from all over the world.
Half the world fleeing from conflict and we still keep on pontificating about immigrant numbers. I don’t know what the answer is only do more to help people stay in their own country’s by way of aid
Just watched Simon Reeve on his tour of the Greek islands watched refugees coming ashore three dinghies arrived while he’s stood there men women and small children, 40 per boat 1 thousand pound each to cross over. People from Syria, Afghanistan all over the middle east and from all over the world.
Half the world fleeing from conflict and we still keep on pontificating about immigrant numbers. I don’t know what the answer is only do more to help people stay in their own country’s by way of aid
Did you watch that documentary this week about allegations the Greek coastguard have been taking refugees out into the sea and leaving them there, and even throwing some people into the sea?
Did you watch that documentary this week about allegations the Greek coastguard have been taking refugees out into the sea and leaving them there, and even throwing some people into the sea?
No I didn’t see it but Reeve said “there was no sign of a coastguard army police anywhere” while he was there.
It may be fake news trying to make it look like the authorities are trying to do something or scare desperate people
I don’t know where it’s all leading

Reeves in Athens where a full scale riot is going on, he blames the gap between the wealthy and poor
Until people in Europe - including us - face up as to why this is happening and our role both recent and historic in the root causes resolution will escape us all.

Imagine if what has been spent across Europe on detecting and "stopping" boats, housing refugee's and returning a few of them had been spent on actual foreign aid and helping countries I am sure the picture would be different
All thought of going after the criminal gangs has just disappeared off our TV screens yet research proved in the case of our French small boats the gangs were in the UK
Anyone in this country could set up with a dinghy and start raking in thousands of pounds per boat load the people are desperate it’s time to start arresting the criminals and lock them up.

Simon Reeves was physically moved he could hardly speak when he chanced on refugees from Afghanistan a small child no more than four was wearing a child’s blow up toy as a safety life jacket crossing the Mediterranean to Greece in a small dingy hard to know what happens to them as the rich countries refuse to share the wealth.

Some people will vote for the party that they think will get tough on immigration and send them to Rwanda, houses and doctors appointments is the cry yet ask for help to fund overseas investment so they can stay in their homeland and they don’t want to contribute. Zelensky is calling out Farage for his comments on Ukraine tonight,…
Lets get this right, Britain is over populated and immigration is to blame. The Boat people are not the problem, it is a tiny fraction of what comes across every year, at times last year a 1/3rd of babies born were from foreign mothers, population is still going up, despite a huge rise in people not having children.
Britain needs to stop all immigration, to bring down the population, but no government will, they will give stupid options, but nothing will happen, because house building is the method they use to control, no immigration means house prices fall.
Britain is built on immigration, we will always need immigration, we just do not need any for the next 10 years, let the micro chip take up all those necessary jobs we need, as it said it would 30 years ago.
I am sure the next proposals for population control will be straight out of logans run or make room! make room! (soylent green)

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