"Stop the Boats"

Are you saying they are worthless or a stain?

Obviously some will be dodgy as fuck but that’s why they need to be processed quickly and efficiently so the dodgy ones can be refused permission to stay rather than putting them all in hotels costing us a fortune. Meanwhile the majority who just want to work and contribute can get on with it.
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I am sure it has been mentioned on here before?
But why don’t we just turn them around escort then safely back to France? Making sure we damage them so as not to be used again!
Saves millions we give to France
Saves Billions looking after them over here
Stops them trying
It will upset France ( that’s a bonus)
Job done!
Because Captain Pugwash was a scam and had absolutely no educational value whatsoever vis a vis imparting a useful level of seamanship to a eager young generation?
If only the world were as simple a place as some people think it is! If it were, it would not matter that the people we elect to rule us are all mental defectives.

Unfortunately, the world is very complex, and governing effectively requires a much higher calibre of people than we seem to be able to attract to the job.

Or as some people used to say to me when I was about 20 and naive - 'You have to deal with the world as it is; not the world as you would like it to be.'

An essential message that Brexiters simply did not understand.
Are you saying they are worthless or a stain?
Neither, just saying he's very naive if he thinks a lot of these migrants come over here to improve the health of the country as well as being effectively economic migrants in most cases.

I've seen it first hand on my local market, hanging around doing fuck all, being given a home and benefits.

I really wish they could all contribute and I'm sure some do/will but it's not with great expectations.

My niece works at Bradbury Hall, it's just for immigrants now, the bar is no longer used, the place is a shit tip and the residents are very rude towards her. She has 3 kids and needs the money but she now hates a job she used to love.
Neither, just saying he's very naive if he thinks a lot of these migrants come over here to improve the health of the country as well as being effectively economic migrants in most cases.

I've seen it first hand on my local market, hanging around doing fuck all, being given a home and benefits.

I really wish they could all contribute and I'm sure some do/will but it's not with great expectations.

My niece works at Bradbury Hall, it's just for immigrants now, the bar is no longer used, the place is a shit tip and the residents are very rude towards her. She has 3 kids and needs the money but she now hates a job she used to love.

How do you know the immigration status and how they came to this country just by looking at people?

How much do they get on benefits?
How do you know the immigration status and how they came to this country just by looking at people?

How much do they get on benefits?
My mate has a stall on the market, it's not a secret they're immigrants. Some are thieving fuckers as well, the stall holders have to get someone to man the stall if they go for a piss, didn't used to happen.

You really don't need to question this, it happens, I respect your opinion to believe these are genuine immigrants with good intentions but I have empirical evidence, I'm not getting involved in this thread anymore because the left wing on here are intransigent anyway (btw, I'm not a Tory voter).

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