"Stop the Boats"

Yeah what a fantastic, well thought out post. I’m sure you’d make a great compassionate ambassador for Tommy Robinson’s lot. These people have absolutely nothing left. They’ve been chased out of Syria on a scale to rival the horrors that Hitler would be proud of. You ignoramus. How about actually posting a viable plan or solution to this ongoing issue that will only get worse under this or the next generations rule. Appalling lack of human decency on your behalf. Just because you obviously live in a different land and probably never will have to face a life or death existence because of your birthplace, doesn’t give you the right to spout racist, uneducated drivel. Have a nice day in your warped ivory tower.

I am so happy these people escape France, it must be hell.
Going back to my previous life, I did come across a Sudanese fella I’d encountered previously who’d been subsequently granted asylum as it was deemed too dangerous to return to Sudan. He was working at a car wash and I asked him how things were going, he said great “I’ve just come back off holiday.”
“Anywhere nice?” I asked.
“Yes Sudan,” he replied.

The liberals and useful idiots will have us believe different :)
How about giant fans on the white cliffs of Dover to blow them all back.
We'll just complain its an eyesore whilst continuing to pay over inflated prices to import electricity. We like to complain about a problem whilst demonising every solution just so we can complain some more until we forget what we were complaining about. Anyway, where was I?

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