Stop The Talking

de niro said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
brianisablue said:
Second in the Premiership, and in the last 16 of the Champions League and it's an awful season? In january?
It's unbelievable, it really is.

I once saw someone I knew make a lot of money in a short period and all it seemed to do was make them unhappy, for some unfathonable reason. I know if the same thing happened to me I'd have a fucking ball.

I think that is analogous to a decent sized chunk of our supporters. If this is an 'awful season' then they really should start reconsidering their priorities. For 95% of football fans this would be an incredible season. It's not been as good as last season, but what do people expect? That every season will be the same as the last? Get real.

Following Manchester City supporters over the last few years would make an interesting social experiment. There's no doubt in my mind that some people haven't made the most of this wonderful opportunity we've been given in terms of deriving enjoyment from it.

Describing this season as 'awful' suggests the pain of losing has become too great and the joy of winning has become too little and when that happens one should ask the question is there really any point making yourself so unhappy ?

we are still an awesome team but i think what people are upset about is we are throwing the season away. we of all fans know its very easily taken away from you, back in 1968 do you think we thought it would take 44 years to win another title? did we fuck. you win what you can whilst you can. you dont rotate. you dont be dont try and be popular with the media. you go out there and rip everyone you can a new one. it will all come crashing down one day, football is like that, but for now we are top dogs and we should not be throwing that superiority away. call me greedy.
Absolutely spot on that de Niro. You ruthless bastard :) ! That's exactly the attitude every single person at our football club should have every minute of every day.

Does it feel like that's the case?

I feel like our club is too nicey-nicey, a bit soft, a bit shy trying not to be disliked too much.

We have to be far more nasty and ruthless. We don't appear to put our hands to someone's throat to stop them, we just wait until they trip up and we run in front of them.

It's nearly a year since I said this for the first time (and people replied "but four years is a hell of a long time") but Kompany Zaba Yaya and Silva are all getting older and within three years (I did say four last year) they will need replacing. Nothing lasts forever and soon this squad will need dismantling. But are we really being as ruthless as possible to be the best we can be while they're still in their prime?
gordondaviesmoustache said:
cookster said:
This team has the capacity to go unbeaten until the end of the season, let's not raise the white flag just yet....
I'll raise a glass of pink Zinfandel to that! ;-)

Hopefully a good few pints of the good stuff come what May (24th).
I'm not sure its the players fault 100% we seem to be playing more and more teams that are happy to park the bus against us, home or away. I was looking forward to the arsenal last week because arsenal like to go toe to toe with us which makes a great game of football, but no even arsenal came and parked the bus.
When i watch other matches between other teams its seems to be just City that these team park the bus, chelsea, scum , arsenal etc all park the bus when playing us, and unless we score early to force these teams to come out and play its very hard .
My kids and me are City though and through but the throught of traveling 600 miles and the cost of around £200 for a match in which only one team is trying to win ...........
Seasons gone by we were good at breaking down these teams, but these teams seem to be getting better at parking the bus, i turn to my dad when playing arsenal and said this game is crying out for messi !!!!
BLUEMATT23 said:
I think the brutal truth is that a lot of them don't give a f*** and don't care enough.

We will have a week of cocky talk leading up to Saturday only to end up disappointed again.
Roll on next season, I've had enough of this one.

Me too. Even if we win league, it's a shit way of doing it.
cookster said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
cookster said:
This team has the capacity to go unbeaten until the end of the season, let's not raise the white flag just yet....
I'll raise a glass of pink Zinfandel to that! ;-)

Hopefully a good few pints of the good stuff come what May (24th).
Or June 6th.

Aim high ;-)
KippaxCitizen said:
de niro said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
It's unbelievable, it really is.

I once saw someone I knew make a lot of money in a short period and all it seemed to do was make them unhappy, for some unfathonable reason. I know if the same thing happened to me I'd have a fucking ball.

I think that is analogous to a decent sized chunk of our supporters. If this is an 'awful season' then they really should start reconsidering their priorities. For 95% of football fans this would be an incredible season. It's not been as good as last season, but what do people expect? That every season will be the same as the last? Get real.

Following Manchester City supporters over the last few years would make an interesting social experiment. There's no doubt in my mind that some people haven't made the most of this wonderful opportunity we've been given in terms of deriving enjoyment from it.

Describing this season as 'awful' suggests the pain of losing has become too great and the joy of winning has become too little and when that happens one should ask the question is there really any point making yourself so unhappy ?

we are still an awesome team but i think what people are upset about is we are throwing the season away. we of all fans know its very easily taken away from you, back in 1968 do you think we thought it would take 44 years to win another title? did we fuck. you win what you can whilst you can. you dont rotate. you dont be dont try and be popular with the media. you go out there and rip everyone you can a new one. it will all come crashing down one day, football is like that, but for now we are top dogs and we should not be throwing that superiority away. call me greedy.
Absolutely spot on that de Niro. You ruthless bastard :) ! That's exactly the attitude every single person at our football club should have every minute of every day.

Does it feel like that's the case?

I feel like our club is too nicey-nicey, a bit soft, a bit shy trying not to be disliked too much.

We have to be far more nasty and ruthless. We don't appear to put our hands to someone's throat to stop them, we just wait until they trip up and we run in front of them.

It's nearly a year since I said this for the first time (and people replied "but four years is a hell of a long time") but Kompany Zaba Yaya and Silva are all getting older and within three years (I did say four last year) they will need replacing. Nothing lasts forever and soon this squad will need dismantling. But are we really being as ruthless as possible to be the best we can be while they're still in their prime?

Good posts these, all of them.
Making hay whilst the sun shines is what we should be doing. Look back at all the top dogs in the country over the past 30/40 years and they approached every match like it was a cup final, how many times did a club like Wigan/Boro knock Liverpool out of the cups in the 80"s...once every 7/8 years probably and certainly not twice every friggin season as seems to be happening to us.
A lot of City fans still have this inbuilt fear, it's like we can't quite believe this is happening to many times have we sat and watched CL games 5/10/15 years ago and thought "we'll never be there" and now we are and it's almost like it's not really happening. Perhaps there is still a bit of fear that things could all go tits up pretty quickly again even though it seems that is highly unlikely but old habits die hard and all that...
It's like we are almost at the summit of a huge mountain and we either sit back and think, we've done well to get here, let's have a look at the nice view & then head back down as it's making us dizzy or we think, fuck it, let's push on that little bit extra, get to the top and get used to the surroundings.
Questy said:
Think its time for the Players to stop the chat after defeats claiming what they are going to do in the following game, instead it would be better if they just went out and produced the goods on the pitch.

We have gotten away with many sub standard performances and so no real surprise losing as we did last week and losing today

Maybe I will sound like a prat but especially kompany who need to close it every time he open it after a bad game about how we re going to bounce back nia nia nia the game after turn out to be the same.
As for the season as it stands it is going to be a 2012-2013 copy paste 2nd or 3rd place and forget the 16 againt Barca cause it going to end with a double loss. Harsh but thats my bad feeling. Need to buying average players ! Instead of buying 5 players just 3 top could do and the others from the academy
That also goes to some fans after beeing unbeaten 12 games all over the place yaaah look we re unbeaten ya look the media conspiracy against us not praising us ah look this look that ... And now i m sure they are the first not happy. The city standard now is about to win maximum of games and losing 2 games in a row at home is unacceptable.
Bloody hell we haven't won in 3 games .
Its not the end of the world .
We will come good again .
I`m quite chilled even though City are doing Crap .

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