Stopped Smoking

The Fixer said:
This is my 3rd day, i'm pineing like a woman. Last night was the worst i couldn't get to fcuking sleep? insomnia or summat....(i was literally snapping at myself cos i couldn't sleep) this happen to anyone else?

A city supporter who has giving up smoking ? are you kidding me ? next season when we are fighting for 1st place in the league you will be smoking a fucking crack pipe ! never mind fags.
it's hard work. i quit for 3 years and then started again, can't see myself stopping anytime soon as i enjoy it.

good luck though.
Lucas North said:
Gelsons Dad said:
Ooh look at you princess!

I'll have you know that when I started smoking age 14 it was fucking cool and made me fucking hard and the term "life decision" wouldn't exist for another 20 years.

I was a world champion smoker and enjoyed every one. The ones I smoked whilst walking back across the airfield in my flying suit with my Ray Bans on and LSJ thrown casually over my shoulder after a couple of hours dodging bad guys were so sexy and cool that women were know to reach orgasm by simply being in the same hemisphere as me.

Wrong and deluded ,smoking tobacco only ever makes anyone look stupid, dirty and ignorant , however you dress it up ,even 20 years ago . Otherwise the entire population would smoke

Anyway , petal, its not as though you flew fast jets , so you were just a glorified taxi driver from what l can gather , but dream on .

I think you might find that 30 years ago pretty much the entire population did smoke chuck.

That doesn't detract from the fact that you completely missed the point of my post. Do you jump on all issues so quickly or are you just a smoking Nazi?

p.s what type do you fly?
Right this no smoking stuff is fcuking bollocks i'm on mi 5th day it's 03:15 am and i can't get to fcuking sleep aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhhhh.

Got to be up for 7 am why the fcuk have i got this insomnia? i feel like i've had 6 lines of coke, fcuk me if it wasn't so dark i would prob mow the fcuking lawn lol.

Did anyone else on here get this no sleeping bollocks after quitting or do i need to see a shrink?
The Fixer said:
Right this no smoking stuff is fcuking bollocks i'm on mi 5th day it's 03:15 am and i can't get to fcuking sleep aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhhhh.

Got to be up for 7 am why the fcuk have i got this insomnia? i feel like i've had 6 lines of coke, fcuk me if it wasn't so dark i would prob mow the fcuking lawn lol.

Did anyone else on here get this no sleeping bollocks after quitting or do i need to see a shrink?
reading through what other reformed smokers have said things will get easier after a few weeks,will be tough but better than being dead for a lot of years.
The Fixer said:
Right this no smoking stuff is fcuking bollocks i'm on mi 5th day it's 03:15 am and i can't get to fcuking sleep aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhhhh.

Got to be up for 7 am why the fcuk have i got this insomnia? i feel like i've had 6 lines of coke, fcuk me if it wasn't so dark i would prob mow the fcuking lawn lol.

Did anyone else on here get this no sleeping bollocks after quitting or do i need to see a shrink?

Stay with it.

I am a in the same boat and have woken up at 0330 for a couple of days now.

Keep checking Ricster's list of pros if you need a reminder of why you're doing it.<br /><br />-- Tue May 11, 2010 8:37 am --<br /><br />
The Fixer said:
Right this no smoking stuff is fcuking bollocks i'm on mi 5th day it's 03:15 am and i can't get to fcuking sleep aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhhhh.

Got to be up for 7 am why the fcuk have i got this insomnia? i feel like i've had 6 lines of coke, fcuk me if it wasn't so dark i would prob mow the fcuking lawn lol.

Did anyone else on here get this no sleeping bollocks after quitting or do i need to see a shrink?

Stay with it.

I am a in the same boat and have woken up at 0330 for a couple of days now.

Keep checking Ricster's list of pros if you need a reminder of why you're doing it.
The Fixer said:
Right this no smoking stuff is fcuking bollocks i'm on mi 5th day it's 03:15 am and i can't get to fcuking sleep aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhhhh.

Got to be up for 7 am why the fcuk have i got this insomnia? i feel like i've had 6 lines of coke, fcuk me if it wasn't so dark i would prob mow the fcuking lawn lol.

Did anyone else on here get this no sleeping bollocks after quitting or do i need to see a shrink?

Thats 5 days done. You would be a mug to give in now having suffered for the last 5 days. May as well see it through.

Trust me, It gets a lot easier.
The Fixer said:
Right this no smoking stuff is fcuking bollocks i'm on mi 5th day it's 03:15 am and i can't get to fcuking sleep aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhhhh.

Got to be up for 7 am why the fcuk have i got this insomnia? i feel like i've had 6 lines of coke, fcuk me if it wasn't so dark i would prob mow the fcuking lawn lol.

Did anyone else on here get this no sleeping bollocks after quitting or do i need to see a shrink?

You need to be on Champix mate - I can barely bloody stay awake!
Stuart said:
goose72 said:
If it's anything like herbal smokes I've tried in the past I'd put my house on preferring to smoke my own cock ;)

My mate uses a small amount mixed with weed in a small pipe . He said he wished he had used it years before instead of mixing it with tobacco .
I've smelled it , and it reminds me of The War Office's shrub/flower patch in the garden .
I suppose there's more worse smells in life .

Goose , if you can 'smoke your own cock' , you must have an extremely long ...neck ? ;-)

i know people who smoke weed and it is the tobbaco that they put with the weed what is addictive and makes them want to smoke more i know a few people who use a vaporiser to smoke the weed now supposed to be a lot healthier

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