Strange situation of City's exiled five players

If we don't offload them why not loan them out anyway?

Loan bellers to norwich

Loan ade to stoke

loan ned to qpr

loan bridge to droylsden

Why not loan them out to do damage against our rivals?
That must be a better solution than paying them for fuck all, at least they would be helping the cause.
glen quagmire said:
If we don't offload them why not loan them out anyway?

Loan bellers to norwich

Loan ade to stoke

loan ned to qpr

loan bridge to droylsden

Why not loan them out to do damage against our rivals?
That must be a better solution than paying them for fuck all, at least they would be helping the cause.

Ha interesting idea...I wonder how the likes of Ade would react to being loaned to somewhere like Stoke or Blackburn
Ade wouldnt go to stoke all he keeps on about is real madrid i think hes gonna stay where he is in the reserves unless madrid take him and why would they hes not good enough for them they only bought him in for cover before because they had injuries. Just makes me laugh when ade was loaned to madrid he was like a kid in a toy shop. He didnt act like that when he signed for us just goes to show he never really ever wanted to play for city and thats why he should stay away from us we dont want players like that using us as a stepping stone
I wanted us to sell RSC, Bridge and Bellamy last year. At the time I believed that those who argued that it would be best for FFP reasons to loan them out and then sell them during this transfer window were deluding themselves as to how easy it would be to sell them.

I was happy for Adebayor to go to Real Madrid, since I thought that, if they did not want to buy him, his time there would at least boost our chances of selling him for a reasonable fee. But it seems to have backfired, given that Adebayor is apparently refusing to even consider going anywhere other than RM.

These players have every right to expect City to honour their contracts and I don't condemn them for doing so. At the same time, I admire Shay Given for (presumably) being prepared to take a salary cut to actually play in the premier league.
sbm said:
I wanted us to sell RSC, Bridge and Bellamy last year. At the time I believed that those who argued that it would be best for FFP reasons to loan them out and then sell them during this transfer window were deluding themselves as to how easy it would be to sell them.

I was happy for Adebayor to go to Real Madrid, since I thought that, if they did not want to buy him, his time there would at least boost our chances of selling him for a reasonable fee. But it seems to have backfired, given that Adebayor is apparently refusing to even consider going anywhere other than RM.

These players have every right to expect City to honour their contracts and I don't condemn them for doing so. At the same time, I admire Shay Given for (presumably) being prepared to take a salary cut to actually play in the premier league.

i doubt Given has got any wages cut mate
God said:
Sell to highest bidder for all cases.
Shame about Ned as he looked like a good prospect at one point

Real shame. If this is anything to go by, could've epitomised Mancini's ideal tenacious center back.

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