Stupid little things that bug you

People who can't tell the difference between "your" (belonging to you) and "you're" (= you are)

Likewise "their" (belonging to them) and "there" (in that place, or as in "there is/are")
Do you spot much of this on Blue Moon then?:)
Must have been on this thread several times, but easily, hands down, the thing that irks me most in modern life is people assuming that the entire carriage/bus/shop/street/district wants to know the details of their home life or whatever and literally bawling it into their mobile phone. Oh and walking around in circles gesticulating wildly in the street, taking no notice whatsoever of whoever's trying to get past, while they're doing their bawling.
I hate mobile phones in general and only got one this year under extreme duress. Leave it at home switched off most of the time, tbh.

Edit: oh, and while we're about it. People looking at me in wide-eyed disbelief in the years when I didn't have one, saying “But how do you survive?!”
I find women putting on makeup in public strangely annoying. Specifically, that brush thing they waft around their face or brushing their hair gives me the creeps. Is it just me?

Also the sound of a camera shutter on a mobile phone I don't like, a real one okay but a false one makes me shudder.
Your just being argumentative know. Their but for the grace of a mythical being go I.
Your just being argumentative know. Their but for the grace of a mythical being go I.
If l was the argumentative type l would bite on your bait until my argumentativeness abated and then waited with bated breath to see who had bitten.;)

All is fair on this silly little things thread but in general l get pissed off when people point out, usually without humour, what is an obvious typing error in a post which is otherwise 100% correct.
If l was the argumentative type l would bite on your bait until my argumentativeness abated and then waited with bated breath to see who had bitten.;)

All is fair on this silly little things thread but in general l get pissed off when people point out, usually without humour, what is an obvious typing error in a post which is otherwise 100% correct.

Mikey, I was posting in jest, Ric says I should always put one of those smiley faces at the end of my posts and in this instance I forgot. I will be in trouble now. :-)
Mikey, I was posting in jest, Ric says I should always put one of those smiley faces at the end of my posts and in this instance I forgot. I will be in trouble now. :-)
I know you were. No-one misspells words that much if they are being serious.

just experimenting

Experiment of smiley things failed dismally and miserably
If l was the argumentative type l would bite on your bait until my argumentativeness abated and then waited with bated breath to see who had bitten.;)

You, sir, are a word juggler…

Edit: I am a former grammar policeman (i.e. teacher) and I shall come down mercilessly on anyone who uses 'less' when they should be using 'fewer'.
Oh, one little thing to add to the general grump of this thread. But this is a long-lost battle, I know. People using American English expressions when there's a perfectly good whole range of British English expressions available (see: 'bug').
Does my head in n’all, that.

‘Butt’ instead of ‘bum’ has crept into young childrens’ vocabulary recently
‘Like’ instead of ‘about’ - “there were like 50 of them”, no, there were about/around/approximately 50 of them!

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