People who say ‘bro’ every fucking five seconds. Just shut the fuck up you dumb twats.
The way young Mancunians speak is very strange.
My Grandad has an ever so slightly different accent, but then he is of Polish decent and is 82. But my Mam+Dad who are in their 60s, my Uncles who are in their 50s and then me - different generations but we all have the same accent.
My Mam+Dad don’t use some words that me and my Uncles use (never heard them use the word “mint”, for example) but we generally sound the same.
But younger Mancs these days have a very mixed up accent, use stupid words and say some weird stuff.
“Innit” and “is it” used incorrectly at the end of sentences and even ending a question with “innit” which makes no sense at all.
“Bro” this “bro” that...
The then that there and though have all become de den dat dere and dough.
Over-emphasising “L”s.
Over-emphasising “H”s - from me at 37 to my Grandad at 82, we’ve always dropped out aitches at the start of words but younger Mancs say a hard Hhaitch now.
Not all Mancunians have always done this, but no younger Mancs flick their “R”s anymore.
They say “ma” instead of “me” for “my”.
A young lad could say a sentence and sound like they’re not Mancunian at all. “Llook at dat dere Bro, Hhow am I sposed to get to ma Hhouse wivv dese road works, innit?”
They’re ruining the coolest accent on this island!