Stupid little things that bug you

I had over 50 vinyl records at one time.
I gave a few to mates and that took me down to about 40.
Then I sold some to bring me down to 20 ish.
The rest are going to go at car boot sales.
Yes folks - it's the vinyl countdown...
Hope you declared your ill gotten gains to hmrc ;-)
Satnavs that say "at the roundabout" which is totally unnecessary as I already know that I'm coming up to a roundabout!
This loses you several seconds of time in which to position your vehicle on the road.
This time matters when you are on an unfamiliar and busy road.
Satnavs that say "at the roundabout" which is totally unnecessary as I already know that I'm coming up to a roundabout!
This loses you several seconds of time in which to position your vehicle on the road.
This time matters when you are on an unfamiliar and busy road.
Last week mine told me to continue straight at a roundabout when there was only a left or right option. Naturally I chose the wrong option.

Also those that tell you to turn half right/left when it's either a normal 90 degree turn or just a bend in the road.
Sliced loaves with an odd number of slices. If I have a sandwich or make toast I usually have two slices of bread, occasionally four, but never
one or three. What the fuck are you supposed to do with one slice of bread when you get to the end of the loaf?
Sliced loaves with an odd number of slices. If I have a sandwich or make toast I usually have two slices of bread, occasionally four, but never
one or three. What the fuck are you supposed to do with one slice of bread when you get to the end of the loaf?
Post it to......Sir Marcus of Withington but for better publicity Wythenshawe.
The Swamp.
Old Trafford

He collects odd slices of bread and when he has 10 he makes fish finger butties that feed all of Manchester.


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