Stupid little things that bug you

Octopus energy telling me my leccy meter is coming to the end of its certification period and I have to have it replaced with a smart meter. OK, I can cope with that, but then there are no dates available for them to fit the bloody smart meter.
those fkn thundercunts who swerve into your lane on the motorway the moment they put the indicator on
At least they indicate. There seems to be an epidemic of people who don't feel the need to give other motorists any form of advance notification as to their intentions. It's called an indicator for a reason.
People (particularly "celebs") who insert an initial into their name......"look at me, I'm unique"

Harry H Corbett excluded, obviously, as the other one was Sooty's dad.
Octopus energy telling me my leccy meter is coming to the end of its certification period and I have to have it replaced with a smart meter. OK, I can cope with that, but then there are no dates available for them to fit the bloody smart meter.
Tell em to piss off.
You can’t be forced to have a smart meter.
Tell em to piss off.
You can’t be forced to have a smart meter.
I think they can force a meter change if the old one is out of certification, but I don't know if anyone is still making standard meters.
You can have a smart meter fitted in "blind mode" where the display doesn't show the current bill if you're worried about seeing your pennies disappear into smoke.

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