Sturridge is being paid less at Chelsea than he would've...

the thing is, he's hardly done anything admirable, has he? it's not just city fans slagging him for this move, far from it. are all the other fans hypocrites too?

money is a big deal, but it's not the only deal. can you name anyone who joined us recently for the money alone? bridge was in the reserves. barry.... erm err.... thinks he has a better chance of champs league whilst still retaining his first team slot (i'll be extremely interested to see how many champs league starts daniel gets), de jong and kompany are ambitious as feck, shay'd had enough of the soap opera, bellamy sees a challenge, one last big and likes hughes, RSC wanted to move up. they all had reasons, and, in any case, when you are at the peak of your career, that's the time to cash in and take the money, if it doesnt work out, you've still maximized your earnings throughout your career. make the move too soon and you may never realize your earning potential. so bloody obvious to anyone who has even the faintest idea about managing a career in any field.

for a young player still looking to develop, match time is everything. players often drop down a level to get it. if daniel didnt think he was gonna get it here, (and i defy anyone to tell me he did everything in his power to make the most of his chances), fair enough. but chelsea? why not villa? everton? a champs league club in france or spain, even? anywhere he is wanted by the manager and at least on the fringes of the first team. champs league status means sweet FA if you don't play the games, and by risking not getting enough starts to really develop, he is risking his future earnings. it's a sodding odd decision. he's gone for status, or he's gone for cash, he's gone because arnesen has been after him for ages (but what exactly does that count for at chelsea?).

so, genuinely, someone enlighten me, how is this the best move for his career? how can any of us not think of the parallels between this and anelka, or swp. can anyone give me an example of a similair move that's worked out well? it's reminds me more of bellion than anything else, maybe francis jeffers, or alan smith. even if danny is potentially a much better player than all of them, he is even less established as a professional footballer and in greater need of games. there must be examples that show the other side of the coin, but I'm dammed if i can think of any. please, someone explain to me how this makes sense for daniel beyond the most superficial 'champions league' status bullshit, because if that's really what it's about, he really has been terribly advised.
GStar said:
Cambridgeblue said:
You say self belief - others say arrogance. For me Sturridge has never showed the kind of form that would justify his opinion of himself so I'm in the "arrogance" camp myself. I think it's a very, very sad state of affairs and I would have hoped he would have learned from SWP's experience. SWP was far more established and showed more promise when he moved to Chelsea than Sturridge so does Danny really think he is that good that he will command a regular place? Time will tell.

If he really had self belief he would have done what Steven Ireland did and train his bollocks of and focus on breaking into the team and making it impossible for the manager not to pick him, not pussy out of a challenge by switching teams. Fair enough if he wants more money to sit on the bench their are few that will blame him but I wish he would have the guts to admit it.

I don't say self belief, thats what the player says. All the debate around the wages etc, this bit we know for sure.

I didn't go to the reserve team games, but the people who did say enough to biuld up his reputation before he'd even been seen in the first team squad. Chelsea and others saw something too; remember Chelsea's interest began around four seasons ago.

Differrent people do differnet things; Ireland is a rare bread in which he loves the club and will sacrifice other aspects of his life to feel the full benefits.

Are we to assume Tevez also has no self belief? Both players have moved on and whilst one is looking both short and long term (Tevez) I don't think Sturridge expects to be a Chelsea regular next season but he's seen a gap in a club that actually want him, he's backed himself to challenge and progress there.

You've made a lot of assumptions there, imo. I just think there's another side to the story. Its all to easy to throw shit at the wall of a player who's left us, but weighing it up, especially with the comments coming out in relation to the position we're in. I don't think we have a leg to stand on personally.

I'm sorry but there is a MASSIVE difference between doing well in a few reserve team games and being good enough to command a regular starting place in a top premier league team...

Again you mention Tevez but it is a completely different situation - Tevez is a full international with Argentina and has played at the top level. Sturridge is a promising youngster... one should expect to be on the bench the other shouldn't - it's all part of learning your trade.

And quite what assumptions have I made? Would you care to name them because I can't see any. I mention that money is a possible reason (it's certainly the only one I can see that actually makes sense) but I'm certainly not saying it's gospel.

What I am saying is that imho there is nothing wrong in him wanting more money - but he should have the balls to come out and say that... I think the fans would respect his honesty.
Yeh, but the wankers that were booing him are even more of a disgrace.[/quote]

that twat only had himself to blame,,not sighning for 40k a week,i know who the wanker is and it aint us[/quote]Well said that man.
Cheesy said:
GStar said:
Think this needs to be posted in here:
Damocles said:
I think this is a good move for Danny, and I wish him well in the future.

City are bringing in world class strikers left and right, Danny would have been about number 6 in the pecking order. For him to be first team (presuming we sign them all), 3 players would have had to be injured. Chelsea is a Champions League club, a contender for the league/cups and is a fashionable part of the world. If any strikers at all get injured, Danny is in. Who else is there? Di Santo?

There is a high possibility that Daniel Sturridge will play more Champions League games in the next two years than Eto'o and Tevez put together. For a young lad with the talent he has, it would not be a massive shock if he gets in the England team after the World Cup. He wouldn't get anywhere near the minutes at City that he would at Chelsea.

He hasn't been a twat about things, he said he was leaving over 6 months ago and has stuck by it. It's not like he has any major affinity with City; we gave him his first Premiership start, but it isn't like he has been at the club since he was 8 or anything.

It's always disappointing for us to lose a player with such potential, but if Danny thinks this is the best move for him, then good luck to him. I hope we prove him wrong in the long run.

I've mentioned it, i've seen Cheesy mention it, but the treatment of Sturridge by our own fans is shocking, considering the players were bidding for and the situation we're in.

No Heart! They cry... As they urge John Terry to ditch Chelsea for City.

Money Grabbing Bastard! They proclaim... As the urge Eto'o to sign a deal to make him on of the most affluent earners in his sport.

Stupid Boy! They announce... as City sign RSC, Tevez, Eto'o alongside Bojinov, Bellamy, Caicedo, Evans, Benjani he moves to a team who have; Drogba, Anelka, Di Santo, Kalou.

"Stones and Glass Houses", "Looking past the end of our noses" someone shouts from the back...

It's hypocrisy of the highest order isn't it? Of course, all our players are here for the love of the club aren't they??
It's the same posters though that are the hypocrites (mainly kids), there the same postrs at the start of the season who were saying he was a really good player and has a great future and then when the rumours about the contract started they started to boo him and say he's always been shit etc, etc...

It's a shame because the majority of City fans are really good, but these pricks let the club down imo.
Daniel Sturridge said:
Cheesy said:
GStar said:
Think this needs to be posted in here:
Damocles said:
I think this is a good move for Danny, and I wish him well in the future.

City are bringing in world class strikers left and right, Danny would have been about number 6 in the pecking order. For him to be first team (presuming we sign them all), 3 players would have had to be injured. Chelsea is a Champions League club, a contender for the league/cups and is a fashionable part of the world. If any strikers at all get injured, Danny is in. Who else is there? Di Santo?

There is a high possibility that Daniel Sturridge will play more Champions League games in the next two years than Eto'o and Tevez put together. For a young lad with the talent he has, it would not be a massive shock if he gets in the England team after the World Cup. He wouldn't get anywhere near the minutes at City that he would at Chelsea.

He hasn't been a twat about things, he said he was leaving over 6 months ago and has stuck by it. It's not like he has any major affinity with City; we gave him his first Premiership start, but it isn't like he has been at the club since he was 8 or anything.

It's always disappointing for us to lose a player with such potential, but if Danny thinks this is the best move for him, then good luck to him. I hope we prove him wrong in the long run.

I've mentioned it, i've seen Cheesy mention it, but the treatment of Sturridge by our own fans is shocking, considering the players were bidding for and the situation we're in.

No Heart! They cry... As they urge John Terry to ditch Chelsea for City.

Money Grabbing Bastard! They proclaim... As the urge Eto'o to sign a deal to make him on of the most affluent earners in his sport.

Stupid Boy! They announce... as City sign RSC, Tevez, Eto'o alongside Bojinov, Bellamy, Caicedo, Evans, Benjani he moves to a team who have; Drogba, Anelka, Di Santo, Kalou.

"Stones and Glass Houses", "Looking past the end of our noses" someone shouts from the back...

It's hypocrisy of the highest order isn't it? Of course, all our players are here for the love of the club aren't they??
It's the same posters though that are the hypocrites (mainly kids), there the same postrs at the start of the season who were saying he was a really good player and has a great future and then when the rumours about the contract started they started to boo him and say he's always been shit etc, etc...

It's a shame because the majority of City fans are really good, but these pricks let the club down imo.

I don't think anyone has ever said he is shit.... I think 99% of city fans would say that he's a good prospect, but I think very few would say he's anywhere near the finished article. It seems from the talksport interview that his uncle gave that the kid clearly thinks he's better than he really is. Don't get me wrong I think he will become a top player eventially but I think his current expectations are waaay out of line.

I can understand why fans have booed him if they feel he has moved to Chelsea for more money and turned his back on the club that gave him a break... now whether or not this is the case we can't say but it is the only explaination that seems plausible because the arguement that he's doing it for more playing time is a weak one. If that were the case he could have gone to Everton, Fulham or Aston Villa who would have given him more starts than Chelsea will next season. If he'd have gone to Fulham or Villa or Everton I think most fans would be wishing him well right now.

I also think were it not for Ireland then Sturridge would not be getting so much flak right now... but the difference is there for all to see - Ireland has worked his bollocks off and made the shirt his own, even with the likes of Robinho and Elano in the team. Sturridge just doesn't seem to have the bottle to compete with Caicedo, Bellamy and Jo and so he seems to have gone off to Chelsea in the hope of getting a fatter pay check and the (somewhat dubious) promise a few more games.
Cambridgeblue said:
Daniel Sturridge said:
It's the same posters though that are the hypocrites (mainly kids), there the same postrs at the start of the season who were saying he was a really good player and has a great future and then when the rumours about the contract started they started to boo him and say he's always been shit etc, etc...

It's a shame because the majority of City fans are really good, but these pricks let the club down imo.

I don't think anyone has ever said he is shit.... I think 99% of city fans would say that he's a good prospect, but I think very few would say he's anywhere near the finished article. It seems from the talksport interview that his uncle gave that the kid clearly thinks he's better than he really is. Don't get me wrong I think he will become a top player eventially but I think his current expectations are waaay out of line.

I can understand why fans have booed him if they feel he has moved to Chelsea for more money and turned his back on the club that gave him a break... now whether or not this is the case or not we can't say but it is the only explaination that seems plausible because the arguement that he's doing it for more playing time is a weak one. If that were the case he could have gone to Everton or Aston Villa who would have given him more starts than Chelsea will next season. If he'd have gone to Fulham or Villa or Everton I think most fans would be wishing him well right now.

I also think were it not for Ireland then Sturridge would not be getting so much flak right now... but the difference is there for all to see - Ireland has worked his bollocks off and made the shirt his own, even with the likes of Robinho and Elano in the team. Sturridge just doesn't seem to have the bottle to compete with Caicedo, Bellamy and Jo and so he seems to have gone off to Chelsea in the hope of getting a fatter pay check and the (somewhat dubious) promise a few more games.
Fair do's, that's a more sensible reply than the idiots who just post "he's an arsehole", "greedy ****" and "shit anyway".

I just think we're losing what will be a really good player in the future and I do think our fans played a small part in it at that WBA game (when he was still considering his future), now I don't know if it's just me but as long as there wearing our City shirt then I just can't boo them, I support them, If I was Sturridge after that game I think i'd be thinking wtf as well. One bad game and some rumours in the paper and half the stadium is on his back, it's a joke, especially as the only interview he's actually given to the media was a few months earlier stating he wants to stay at City for years. I'll admit he does look a right miserable **** and is a soft get with his injuries but he still will go on to be a big, big player and I am gutted to lose him.

Now none of us will ever know if he's gone for the money, more game time or whatever but either way it doesn't matter. If he has gone for the money then we would be hypocrites to call him for that as imo Robinho and Barry, and Eto'o and Terry if they come all came for the money as will a lot more players. If he's gone for more game time then that shows he's ambitious and he will get more of a chance as he does only have 2 better strikers infront of him at Chelsea, instead of possibly 4 or 5 at City.

I can also see why he would choose Chelsea over teams like Everton, Villa and Fulham as they are a bigger club who challenge for honours every year and if he was at one of them other teams he would still be battling for a place with 2 or 3 strikers just like he would at Chelsea, fair enough not of Anelka and Drogba's standard but it's still the same situation.
BlueMoon93 said:
K.Reeves right foot said:
auction294 said:
MCFC-alan88 said:
He will play more for them than he would for us, look at the targets we're after and who we've already got, he would be far down the line. Chelsea only have Anelka, Drogba and another young lad, he will get more games there.

.......and then be exposed as a legend in his own mind rather than on the pitch.

His face after he scored the 4th goal v WBA said it all to me......arrogant and no heart in City.......

Yeh, but the wankers that were booing him are even more of a disgrace.

Dead right
Daniel Sturridge said:
Cambridgeblue said:
Daniel Sturridge said:
It's the same posters though that are the hypocrites (mainly kids), there the same postrs at the start of the season who were saying he was a really good player and has a great future and then when the rumours about the contract started they started to boo him and say he's always been shit etc, etc...

It's a shame because the majority of City fans are really good, but these pricks let the club down imo.

I don't think anyone has ever said he is shit.... I think 99% of city fans would say that he's a good prospect, but I think very few would say he's anywhere near the finished article. It seems from the talksport interview that his uncle gave that the kid clearly thinks he's better than he really is. Don't get me wrong I think he will become a top player eventially but I think his current expectations are waaay out of line.

I can understand why fans have booed him if they feel he has moved to Chelsea for more money and turned his back on the club that gave him a break... now whether or not this is the case or not we can't say but it is the only explaination that seems plausible because the arguement that he's doing it for more playing time is a weak one. If that were the case he could have gone to Everton or Aston Villa who would have given him more starts than Chelsea will next season. If he'd have gone to Fulham or Villa or Everton I think most fans would be wishing him well right now.

I also think were it not for Ireland then Sturridge would not be getting so much flak right now... but the difference is there for all to see - Ireland has worked his bollocks off and made the shirt his own, even with the likes of Robinho and Elano in the team. Sturridge just doesn't seem to have the bottle to compete with Caicedo, Bellamy and Jo and so he seems to have gone off to Chelsea in the hope of getting a fatter pay check and the (somewhat dubious) promise a few more games.

Fair do's, that's a more sensible reply than the idiots who just post "he's an arsehole", "greedy ****" and "shit anyway".

I just think we're losing what will be a really good player in the future and I do think our fans played a small part in it at that WBA game (when he was still considering his future), now I don't know if it's just me but as long as there wearing our City shirt then I just can't boo them, I support them, If I was Sturridge after that game I think i'd be thinking wtf as well. One bad game and some rumours in the paper and half the stadium is on his back, it's a joke, especially as the only interview he's actually given to the media was a few months earlier stating he wants to stay at City for years. I'll admit he does look a right miserable **** and is a soft get with his injuries but he still will go on to be a big, big player and I am gutted to lose him.

Now none of us will ever know if he's gone for the money, more game time or whatever but either way it doesn't matter. If he has gone for the money then we would be hypocrites to call him for that as imo Robinho and Barry, and Eto'o and Terry if they come all came for the money as will a lot more players. If he's gone for more game time then that shows he's ambitious and he will get more of a chance as he does only have 2 better strikers infront of him at Chelsea, instead of possibly 4 or 5 at City.

I can also see why he would choose Chelsea over teams like Everton, Villa and Fulham as they are a bigger club who challenge for honours every year and if he was at one of them other teams he would still be battling for a place with 2 or 3 strikers just like he would at Chelsea, fair enough not of Anelka and Drogba's standard but it's still the same situation.

I think those who are saying "greedy bugger" and "shit anyway" are just doing it out of hurt... everyone knows he is a decent young prospect - it's just sad he doesn't have Ireland's mentality. If he was truly shit then nobody would bother posting comments like that, so in a way it's a compliment to his potential.

With regards to him choosing Chelsea over Everton etc I would be surprised if Chelsea didn't sign another striker this season, plus isn't Shevchenko coming back or something?

Also if he can't hack it against the likes of Yakubu and Saha then he's not really got a great deal of self belief has he? Who are the other Everton strikers? James Vaughan, Victor Anichebe, Kieran Agard, Jose Baxter and Lukas Jutkiewicz... wow what a bunch of world beaters they are. Christ Saha would be injured half the time too - kind of shits on your theory that he'd have more of a chance against Drogba and Anelka now doesn't it.

I still think comparing him to Robinho, Eto'o and Terry etc when it comes to money is silly... they have all earned the right to command those wages by winning things at the highest level. Sturridge hasn't, and the offer City gave him was pretty damn good for the stage he is at. I also disagree that the WBA game had anything to do with his decision - Chelsea have been after him for years and I think his head was turned long before the baggies game.

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