Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

She’s an absolute fucking ghoul.

I hope upon hope this gets circulated again on Election Day in 18 months, also on the 11th of November it’s gone full circle now in what the country and allies fought against is now looking what they actually believe in . Truly despicable comments there for me , no accountability, no shame .
Hope in time people look back in history at this lot and maybe hopefully it will never be repeated again.
That’s not right though. It’s a dream a large percentage of Tory voters might support but is not a dream the majority of the populace share. Thing is, the Tories only ever try to appeal to that narrow strand of support, which is why they’re so successful.

They don't just appeal to that 'narrow strand of support' tho. Tories appeal to everyone who hates...

Single Mums
Trade Unions

etc etc ..... appealing to these groups is what gets them the votes.
41 / 28 split for Labour in rural areas.

Not surprising when she's stupid enough to tell farmers that she "doesn't buy" the obvious reality that they can't recruit enough Brits to pick crops or can't invent a machine that can pick and strip spring onions. Just one horticulturist left half a million pounds worth of onions and asparagus to rot in the fields despite bringing in some workers from Nepal. He's talking about simply shifting production to Senegal (already opened a farm there). Less grown here. So Braverman is part of the anti-growth coalition.

The hapless farming minister says he's talking to the Home Office for more seasonal workers to be allowed in. He didn't say it was like banging your head against a wall but it must be.

If they did relax the limits, maybe farmers could recruit seasonal workers from, say, Rwanda.
They don't just appeal to that 'narrow strand of support' tho. Tories appeal to everyone who hates...

Single Mums
Trade Unions

etc etc ..... appealing to these groups is what gets them the votes.
It's amazing how quick you can prise stuff like this out of some people.
Tell them they've been brainwashed or radicalised and they'll tell you you're being patronised.

I've had one spout the Rees Mogg line about people should be back in offices despite he himself having had the luxury of a well paid job that has allowed him to work from him for the past 15 years.
The government has already given Rwanda £120 million for the ludicrous Rwanda deportation plan. They're also liable to pay additional fees for processing and integration costs for each person deported although it's highly unlikely they'll ever have to cough this up as it's doomed from the start.

Hey ho. At least Rwanda will be able to fund a lengthy extension of their Arsenal sponsorship with the money fronted up for this unworkable plan. Just as they funded the original deal and first extension from UK aid payments.
It's been clear she's an unhinged nutjob ever since she came to prominence as a totally under qualified Attorney General, with an agenda that is entirely focused on being "anti-woke" which consists purely of playing bullshit bingo and spouting idiotic catchphrases for an appreciative gammon audience, without the insight to realise that the majority of those that like what she says would be quite happy if she was deported herself. She obviously had no grasp of what was required to be an AG and is even more out of her depth (if that's possible) as Home Secretary. The fact that a totally unqualified simpleton has been given one of the great offices of state is an indictment of the stupidity of Truss in putting loyalty ahead of capability as she has with the vast majority of her appointments, including the other two senior roles of Chancellor and Foreign Secretary. It will be Cleverley's turn next to demonstrate his ineptitude now that Kwarteng and Braverman have shown their hands.

Her days are numbered if this is anything to go by:

The government has already given Rwanda £120 million for the ludicrous Rwanda deportation plan. They're also liable to pay additional fees for processing and integration costs for each person deported although it's highly unlikely they'll ever have to cough this up as it's doomed from the start.

Hey ho. At least Rwanda will be able to fund a lengthy extension of their Arsenal sponsorship with the money fronted up for this unworkable plan. Just as they funded the original deal and first extension from UK aid payments.
Was it The Netherlands that deported it's unwelcome foreigners to Rwanda a few years ago?

Very few of their deportees stayed there and the rest all made their way back to Europe.

The Government of Rwanda must be laughing thier heads off at the largesse of the UK.

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