Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

Was it The Netherlands that deported it's unwelcome foreigners to Rwanda a few years ago?

Very few of their deportees stayed there and the rest all made their way back to Europe.

The Government of Rwanda must be laughing thier heads off at the largesse of the UK.


The Netherlands isn't a basket case or racist country and has very liberal attitudes to refugees.

Must admit that when I first heard what Braverman had said, the first thing that I thought of was this:

The following is advert for talks given to young members of Triratna, the Buddhist organisation that Braverman belongs to.


The incongruity between the first foundational moral precept of Buddhism, one which is of profound significance in all forms of the faith, and Braverman's professed views, is startling.
Myanmar is a big Buddhist place, it doesn't make its leaders models of gentleness and fairness.

All religions can be twisted the justify anything. Christianity is an excellent example, The Confederate slave owners were all fervent 'Christians'. So are the current believers in the 'Prosperity Doctrine' who think God wants you to be rich, and if you're not it's because you're not godly enough. Heretical shite that Christ would spit on, but thousands, perhaps millions, believe it and call themselves 'Christians'.
Myanmar is a big Buddhist place, it doesn't make its leaders models of gentleness and fairness.

All religions can be twisted the justify anything. Christianity is an excellent example, The Confederate slave owners were all fervent 'Christians'. So are the current believers in the 'Prosperity Doctrine' who think God wants you to be rich, and if you're not it's because you're not godly enough. Heretical shite that Christ would spit on, but thousands, perhaps millions, believe it and call themselves 'Christians'.
Great post.

Interestingly, and I think I have mentioned this before, Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations is as much a theological work as it is economic. The title is taken from Isaiah and his ‘invisible hand’ is almost certainly that of divine benevolence making adjustments for human selfishness in the marketplace.

However, as a keen moralist, Smith would have been appalled that anyone calling themselves a Christian could be supportive of neoliberalism.

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