Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

A majority don’t come from Albania ,just over a quarter do. Most likely the quarter whose claimes get rejected but thats just a guess on my part. So that leaves the 70 plus percemt whose claims are accepted and are therefore genuine. These 79 percent of genuine refugees are the one we are saying we won’t even bother listening to their story.
Also when in the EU in wasn’t uncontrolled , in fact it was needed and is still needed now.
Can you remind me what controls we had in place for migration from the EU ? I don't recall any.

As regards the figures from Albania they were reported last night by our national broadcaster.
Be Australia mate
Anywhere is better than here
Glad my dad isn't still alive too be honest it's been awful here the last few years
North Korea has full employment.
Haiti has a (witch) doctor that you can see immediately without an appointment.
Somalia has real pirates, none of your British Captain Pugwash shite.
I think you might be on to something here with this “anywhere is better” schtick.
The population density of the this country is ridiculous, someone has to address it, Starmer melts if he leaves London, the mans a champagne socialist, Labour has NO policy on this issue, someone has to man-up, or woman-up in this case, an open door policy?...good on Braverman
Oh Goodie! a fucking idiot who needs schooling.

The UK is 51st on the list of countries with high population densities behind places such as

Rwanda :))
Sri Lanka

It is only just more dense than Germany, Switzerland and Italy.

The four least dense countries are Greenland, Namibia, Australia and Mongolia.

As for "champagne socialist" do you not understand that the point of Socialism is everyone can drink Champagne, it is not the reserve of the capitalist class.

There is no open door policy, it is a lie that was used to scare people into voting for Brexit. Free movement of people was never an open door policy, it was a prerequisite for being a member of the EU.

I do not know if you have noticed, but Labour are not in Government, their job is to oppose legislation that they think will harm the country. Oppositions of whatever hue do not need policies they can not implement thanks to the advarsarial nature of UK parliamentary democracy.

It is rather telling you think Braverman is doing a good job, she has overt fascist tendencies, she is an "otherer" of people, a dangerous road to go down, Its telling she wants to stop small boats, see she does not see the people in those boats as human beings, she sees them as scum who threaten her way of life. What she has done is throw red meat to the far right because the Tories are now so desperate to cling to power they have nothing else.

That fucking lying clown Johnson is responsible, he got rid of the one nation Tories and left them closer aligned to the BNP and NF than the sensible Conservatism of old. If you are enjoying the slide towards Fascism, then you are a fucking idiot.

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