Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

That made me so angry when i heard her saying it. Banging on about 'tax payers' and 'patriotism' and 'the British public'.
She’s not alone in making those claims, however. I fully appreciate the importance for the Conservatives in wrapping themselves in flags and now conjuring up a ‘Red Scare’, but what makes me uncomfortable is the media’s reluctance to question the bold assumption that the public are all for it. Perhaps they’re frightened of having their Twitter accounts taken away…
Gary Lineker is an overpaid anti City gob-shite, ‘Standing up for peoples rights?’ do me a favour!
He didn’t care about raking in the dosh in on the back of slaves being killed in the construction of Qatar WC stadiums.

The BBC is about as relevant as...
View attachment 71523
Nice little video to represent the sophistication of your posts

A lot of people think that 'patriotism' amounts to wrapping yourself in the Union Jack and arselicking the royals. It is a very simplistic view that chimes with the prejudices of right-wing, nationalistic jackasses.

Patriotism should be about wanting the best for your country and its people, and that's a much more complex and nuanced thing.

Generally speaking, when politicians start trying to stir your emotions with abstracts you should be wary. Maybe even extremely wary. Emotions linked to politics or governance are a very dangerous thing.
Then you come up with a number of asylum seekers and refugees the country can accept per year.

That's the one, but a lot of posters on this thread wouldn't have a number in their heads, you're right about the problem being an ideological one.
That's the one, but a lot of posters on this thread wouldn't have a number in their heads, you're right about the problem being an ideological one.

Coming up with a number would be hard, and I'm sure you could assign some sort of panel to research and publish a white paper about costs vs people, benefits and costs etc. But I have looked up a few numbers just to give a rough outline.

We have about 1.1 immingrants per year, with net migration about 500,000.

Asylum grants were 13,000 of that last year.

We had 72,000 applications, and the success rate of applications is 75% (only 82% of these actuall get let into the UK permanently) so if we actually processed everyone who applied we'd have 44,300 per year.

(Incidentally this 30,000 person deficit is why we have a crisis right now)

So ball park figure 50,000-75,000. Which would make asylum seekers about 5% of total immigration to the UK and 10% of net migration.

What did the Nazis ever do to be compared so unfavourably with the Tories.
Joking aside Lineker's comments are as unfortunate as they are stupid.Germanys foreign minister in the late 30s was Von Ribbentrop,first to be executed at the Nuremberg trials,a brief look through his tenure will show how ridiculous the comparison is.
What makes Lineker's contribution worse is that it will only exacerbate the problems and entrench already radical opinions on all sides of the debate and won't help a single refugee.
If he had offered up some constructive criticism and possibly some solutions to the issue he may have contributed positively.
A lesson Lineker and anyone else discussing day to day issues should learn is referencing the Nazis to aid your point loses you all credibility.

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