Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

What did the Nazis ever do to be compared so unfavourably with the Tories.
Joking aside Lineker's comments are as unfortunate as they are stupid.Germanys foreign minister in the late 30s was Von Ribbentrop,first to be executed at the Nuremberg trials,a brief look through his tenure will show how ridiculous the comparison is.
What makes Lineker's contribution worse is that it will only exacerbate the problems and entrench already radical opinions on all sides of the debate and won't help a single refugee.
If he had offered up some constructive criticism and possibly some solutions to the issue he may have contributed positively.
A lesson Lineker and anyone else discussing day to day issues should learn is referencing the Nazis to aid your point loses you all credibility.
And the rhetoric used by the Tories isn't going to further entrench hateful views? Linekar wasn't comparing to the actions of the Nazis, he was comparing the language used.
What did the Nazis ever do to be compared so unfavourably with the Tories.
Joking aside Lineker's comments are as unfortunate as they are stupid.Germanys foreign minister in the late 30s was Von Ribbentrop,first to be executed at the Nuremberg trials,a brief look through his tenure will show how ridiculous the comparison is.
What makes Lineker's contribution worse is that it will only exacerbate the problems and entrench already radical opinions on all sides of the debate and won't help a single refugee.
If he had offered up some constructive criticism and possibly some solutions to the issue he may have contributed positively.
A lesson Lineker and anyone else discussing day to day issues should learn is referencing the Nazis to aid your point loses you all credibility.

I take it you didn’t actually read the tweet in question.
Gary Lineker called it absolutely right. The Tories are using language that is akin to 1930s Germany and he deserves commendation for calling it out. The Tories are chasing votes in appealing to the worst instincts of certain people.

Gary Lineker stood up to it, and I'm so glad he did. He has my eternal respect and gratitude, especially in the face of Braverman's disgusting rhetoric. Also, I appreciate his stance as an ethnic minority who has experienced increased racist abuse after Brexit.

Bad things happen when good people do nothing.

Well done Gary Lineker.
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my point is that those figures don't give much of a picture of what's happening now or in the last 5 or 10 years. Since with reference to this legislation we're talking about asylum seekers specifically, a more useful measure would be the number accepted by each country per year in the last 5-10 years - better still, the number as compared to the size of the country's population.
Why the last 5-10 years? Surely that is just cherry picking the best time period to suit your argument? The overall facts strongly support the UK not being racist or anti immigration (or Nazi). The fairest way to assess is, I think, to look at the current population and ask how many are immigrants now, not from 1 year, 10 years but now!

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