Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

I'll call out the ludicrous misuse of historical references when I see it.
You are allowed to call out such people while understanding and in some cases agreeing with the underlying point being made,try it sometime.
As much as NIMBY(Not In My Back Yard) people annoy me, that is hardly as serious as an issue of than the current government’s rhetoric. Most importantly what evidence do you have that anyone on this forum is a hypocrite?

Also, even if you believe this hypocrisy you highlight as a legitimate concern, you could also fault the government’s language and failures for the hypocrisy people display towards immigrants or just POC in general.
You are right, I have no proof that anyone on this forum is a hypocrite. However, I live on the outskirts of a large immigrant area and my personal observation is that no white people of any political persuasion are moving in. So no difference in observed behaviour between outright racists and outright non racists!
My observations are that many people like experiencing other cultures but ultimately they settle down with people of similar culture. So, most white middle class people will live in a white middle class area with a sprinkling of non white residents who have adopted white.middle class lifestyles. That however is nowhere near the same as living in a predominately immigrant area where the culture is predominately based on the original country.
I'll call out the ludicrous misuse of historical references when I see it.
You are allowed to call out such people while understanding and in some cases agreeing with the underlying point being made,try it sometime.

The persistent hyperbole you employed in attacking Lineker’s comment was excessive. Wouldn‘t a comment such as ‘I don’t agree with the ‘30s Germany reference, but the refugee policies and language used by this Govt is divisive and wrong’ have sufficed?

I think it would have landed better than frothing hysteria about Ribbentrop. Just a thought.
The persistent hyperbole you employed in attacking Lineker’s comment was excessive. Wouldn‘t a comment such as ‘I don’t agree with the ‘30s Germany reference, but the refugee policies and language used by this Govt is divisive and wrong’ have sufficed?

I think it would have landed better than frothing hysteria about Ribbentrop. Just a thought.
You've done a fair bit of frothing yourself sir.
At least you got the jist of it.
So to sum up.
Lineker makes a intervention on a hot topic,in making said intervention he employs a ludicrous comparison that negates any purposeful input he may have to make.
End thread.
No you're just a naughty boy who I'm sure understands why Lineker should be called out for making this reference.
Why.? Because before Lineker said it the same thoughts occured to me as soon as I heard it. Demonising a minority to distract from problems in the country and a desperate attempt to shore up their core vote.Is that very different from early thirties in Germany.? Or even Trump with his wall.
If you think it isn’t show us how it’s different instead of going on about the personality. Show us how the governments policy or language is reasonable and balanced.
Surely going against all international law and conventions is a bit more important than worrying about how a bloke on twitter criticises those actions.
No you're just a naughty boy who I'm sure understands why Lineker should be called out for making this reference.
He referenced ‘language’ used in 1930’s Germany, he didn’t say Nazi’s, he didn’t accuse the government or Braverman of being one. He called it out correctly.

If you think the words like ‘invasion’ are apt then I’m sorry you’ve been sucked in by this right wing government.

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