Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

Jews are like the rest of us. Some have a right-wing view of the world, others a left-wing one. To assume all Jews think alike is itself an anti-Semitic trope. No individual Jew speaks for all Jews just as no individual Christian speaks for all Christians.
We even have to say, no one Tory speaks for all Tories. But the PM and home secretray speak for the Cabinet, and the Government, and ultimately the parliamentary party.
Yes maybe Lineker can use his wealth to pay the hotel bills. The guy's arrogance is unreal.
Maybe they should use the money being spent in hotels to train and pay staff to process the asylum seekers and then we’d have no need to use hotels at all.

£7,000,000 a day will pay for a shit load of staff. Create jobs, pay taxes, money back into the economy instead of to landlords of these hotels.
Do you announce every time you give to charity? Do you expect a round of applause for it? Get real, Lineker is a multi millionaire, he could buy a house for a refugee rather than loaning out a bedroom.
Who cares? He's a guy with a Twitter account and a presenters job. In a free country!

The question is about the people with media strategists, aides, campaigners, donors, PR people... the people who set the laws and set the tone and start the debate!
Perhaps if the stupid woman got off her arse and actually reformed the system to move claimants through quicker rather than this racist nonsense about the invaders it would solve the major problems , but i suspect, as i said before , this is just to help them win the next election and she enjoys being a woman
Really? You need it to be shown to yo problems with the governments language. Think its blindingly obvious myself. Then you’ve already accused him of saying something he didn’t say.
The Nazis committed genocide, tried to eradicate by death anyone who was physically disabled and anyone they thought was mentally inferior let alone handicapped. They wanted to create a race of physically and mentally superior humans by exterminating the genetic material of anyone substandard. What part of the government's language comes anywhere near that lovely lot? Hence my total disdain of Lineker and his silly comments.
The Nazis committed genocide, tried to eradicate by death anyone who was physically disabled and anyone they thought was mentally inferior let alone handicapped. They wanted to create a race of physically and mentally superior humans by exterminating the genetic material of anyone substandard. What part of the government's language comes anywhere near that lovely lot? Hence my total disdain of Lineker and his silly comments.
'Big ears' is a sanctimonious smug Twat and as much as i dislike the government you are spot on with the above.
The Nazis committed genocide, tried to eradicate by death anyone who was physically disabled and anyone they thought was mentally inferior let alone handicapped. They wanted to create a race of physically and mentally superior humans by exterminating the genetic material of anyone substandard. What part of the government's language comes anywhere near that lovely lot? Hence my total disdain of Lineker and his silly comments.
He didn’t mention any of that as you’ve had pointed out many times and completely ignored.
He spoke about the governments language and compared it to Germany 1930. Now stop using one mans twitter as a distraction and tell us do you think the governments policy and language is appropriate or not. Thats the real issue not this nonsense.
Just Ribbentrop? Seems a somewhat selective comparison.

Lineker didn’t reference Nazis. He compared the language used in Germany during the ‘30s to the language used now. The self-serving justification under domestic law as opposed to International agreements we have signed up to. The strident messages - ‘this is the will of the people’, ‘protecting the people from invasion’, ‘patriotic duty’ - all messages used then and now.

This shit always ends in tears. Better that people point it out now, before the tears.
"Selective comparison",should we see if we can find one of peace loving compassionate Nazis of the time to compare.
Lineker knows exactly who he was referring to as do you.
I'm in general agreement about the failures of previous and current efforts to deal with the situation,but to get back to my original point by referencing 1930s Germany (Nazis) his credibility is immediately shot.
I am so old I remember when politicians spoke about immigration and race with great sensitivity - to the point of pussy-footing - because they were well aware of the dangers of stirring emotions in this area.

Sadly, that generation has passed. But one factor may have been that many lived through, and fought in, WW2 against racist monsters and saw the consequences of such policies.

For what it's worth, I don't think the Tories are full-blown Nazis. But they do use inflammatory language, seek to stir emotions and dog-whistle nasty extremists for what they perceive to be political gain. It's a very dangerous game to play, and quite irresponsible. Much of it springs from a natural desire to divert attention from the dog's breakfast they have made of practically everything by shifting to an area where they think they still have an advantage.

Power at all costs is their motto, and they will happily accept votes from very nasty people to keep it.

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